Lest we forget

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Still Rocking
Supporting Member
Take a moment to reflect and remember those who gave their lives for our freedom on this Veterans and Remembrance Day.
If you know a veteran of any age, thank him for his/her service and shake their hand.

BTW, and not to be a nitpicker, but, and while I like the TT logo with the cross and wreath, Remembrance is spelled wrong.
But it's the thought that counts TUP

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I salute all veterans of all nations who donned the uniforms for their countries and served. Thank you for your service. I remember and salute all of those who paid the ultimate price and did not make it home.
Over the weekend our History Channel played a lot of programs relating to WWII.
We all know there was a terrific loss of life, but when the real numbers are displayed on the screen it's almost too hard to imagine and digest.
In particular, one program was about RAF Bomber Command. In round figures, 125 thousand air crew served in BC and 55 thousand lost their lives in action.
It makes you shudder.

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