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I've just been looking at the member list. We have signed up 63 new members just since October 1, 2011 and of these, fully 30% (19) have made 5 posts or more.

This type of growth, especially in active members, is good for the Forum and good for us. This has to be credited, in no small part, to Dave and Carl and the kind of forum they run here. And some small bit of the credit should be saved for our TT family, who make this a welcoming place, warm, friendly and (for the most part) non-judgmental.

I'm glad for the time I spend here.

A Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to each and every one of you.

Sounds like it stood the test of time and didn't go down nuked like a couple gary and i had over on Delphi.

Hey Gary i'm sending in the Meow Mx chics.
TBH it's not very productive as far as biking info. I mean, in the Tbird forum a post by me is the last one a few weeks back, and i appear to be the only active Tbird owner here. But i don't come here for that. I go to rat or the Tbird exclusive forum for info. I dont post at either anymore tho. There are several at the thunderbird1600 forum that act like children and the RAT forum is so commercial they won't even let you post a link to any other bike forum. One guy did it recently and the mods beat him up for it. So i told them that is BS in so many words and how other forums don't do that. They suspended my account. When they allowed me back in i said screw it and haven't posted since.

So while i can't get a lot of answers here due to being the only Tbird owner, i still stop in every so often just because of the people here. I still READ the other forums to see if anything important is posted, but i won't post unless absolutely necessary.
TBH it's not very productive as far as biking info. I mean, in the Tbird forum a post by me is the last one a few weeks back, and i appear to be the only active Tbird owner here. But i don't come here for that. I go to rat or the Tbird exclusive forum for info. I dont post at either anymore tho. There are several at the thunderbird1600 forum that act like children and the RAT forum is so commercial they won't even let you post a link to any other bike forum. One guy did it recently and the mods beat him up for it. So i told them that is BS in so many words and how other forums don't do that. They suspended my account. When they allowed me back in i said screw it and haven't posted since.

So while i can't get a lot of answers here due to being the only Tbird owner, i still stop in every so often just because of the people here. I still READ the other forums to see if anything important is posted, but i won't post unless absolutely necessary.
Dale: I agree that this site isn't loaded with biking content for you with your Thunderbird or me with my Rocket 3 Touring, but it is VERY content heavy as to Meridien Triumphs, New Tiger 800's, Hinkley Bonnies and their offspring and the like. I go to the R3T.net and .com sites for R3-centric info, as you do with the T-Bird, and there's plenty of it there. But I come here to relax, put my feet up on the table, read about things that interest me and, occasionally have a go with (or even at) a couple of people who will give as good as they get. This place is called "Triumph Talk", but I like to think of it as Triumph TALK". Stop to think, we have long threads on music; photography, games we play with each other (Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm..............not sure that came out exactly right), Jokes, both infantile and adult, politics, religion and just about everything else you can think of, but we do it in the confines of a community where the members do have an abiding common interest, motorcycles, and, specifically Triumph motorcycles. This abiding common interest helps us smooth things over when they get a little too heated, because we can always go post to each other in a Triumph related (or music related; or joke related, or racing related) thread and that helps get past the disagreements. It took me a long time to get the wisdom of that - but I think I do now and, at least for me, it works.

I think that's a recipe for a special-interest forum and I think we're doing it pretty well here.

BTW: "TBH" = "To Be Honest"??
I don't think that forum is up these days. Bloody Mary's husband in real life left.

We had some funny stuff going on back then.
Well I think we don't seem to have much bike content because we have all been riding for so many years we are basically all on the same page. However if anyone had to ask a question I think the overall bike knowledge on this forum is huge.

The fact that we seem to be getting more members joining us is also because of the new software we are running and it is far more SEO (Search engine optimized) than what the old SMF software was. I don't think the dynamics of the forum would change much even with all the new members because those that stay are the ones that are looking for a forum such as it is now so it would just carry on the way it is but with more members

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