Kirk Douglas at 102

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Still Rocking
Supporting Member
I've always liked actor, Kirk Douglas, who just turned 102.
Unfortunately, he had a stroke some years ago which nearly did him in and caused him some impairment, but at 102 he's still trucking along.
He has played a huge variety of roles; some I enjoyed more than others.
His movies come up on the classic movie channel quite often and I think I've seen all of them, but some are worth watching more than once.
I like action movies like war, crime and westerns and to me he always did a fine job in those.

I have never met the man and never will, but I did briefly meet his son, Michael, in Bermuda about 15 years ago.
Michael and his wife, Catherine, were eating in the same hotel restaurant where we were staying and we all happened to be leaving at the same time. Michael held the door for my wife and wished her Merry Christmas.
She was so star-struck she could barely say thank you. I don't think her feet touched the floor all the way back to our room BGRIN

It was a running joke for weeks that we were going to Bermuda for Christmas and to meet Michael Douglas - knowing that the Douglas' have property there that they frequent.
To run into him within three hours of arriving was such a crazy coincidence.
Because of his age and the problems brought on by the stroke, I think he's in a wheelchair now.

Recently, I watched The Heroes of Telemark again. It was based on a true story and Kirk was great in it.

I need to correct myself. After looking at a list of his movies, there are many I haven't seen. Some I never even heard of, but the ones I have seen, often more than once, were good ones.
He made more westerns that I thought.
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If you ever get to see The Final Countdown, it's worth watching and I have the DVD.
Kirk is the captain of an 1980 aircraft carrier that is transported back to WWII through some weird time warp happening.
The question then is, should they tamper with history (Pearl Harbor) or leave it alone.
Before any harm is done they're transported back to 1980, but in between it's quite interesting.
Silly stuff of course, but good entertainment.

I need to watch it again sometime soon BGRIN
If you ever get to see The Final Countdown, it's worth watching and I have the DVD.
Kirk is the captain of an 1980 aircraft carrier that is transported back to WWII through some weird time warp happening.
The question then is, should they tamper with history (Pearl Harbor) or leave it alone.
Before any harm is done they're transported back to 1980, but in between it's quite interesting.
Silly stuff of course, but good entertainment.

I need to watch it again sometime soon BGRIN

I remember watching this one many years ago.