I'm assuming you are talking about the keyless fob for the scrambler 1200xc in your profile pic. Is the message "keyfob out of range"? If so, first thing to do is replace the battery in the FOB with a quality fresh battery. Also, the key slot in the tree is just for the steering lock ands has nothing to do with the keyless ignition (other than it is close to the sensor in the headlight. There are 2 sensors, one under the seat and one in the headlight. If a fresh battery doesnt make it go away, try putting it near the seat for a long time and see if the message goes away. If not, try putting it up by the headlight, in the slot in the tree is a nice close spot; and see if the message goes away. If a fresh battery doesn't fix it, I'd get it to dealer. If either of the sensor locations seems to work and the other doesn't that is just some extra info to share with your dealer to help narrow down the failure cause.