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Sorry I know this means some of you will now be having

Yup, it's a stunning day here in Johannesburg today............ again! My garden's even starting to show some colour and the fragrance of jasmine is in the air. Just hope Mother Nature doesn't have a mood swing and zap us again!
Yup, it's a stunning day here in Johannesburg today............ again! My garden's even starting to show some colour and the fragrance of jasmine is in the air. Just hope Mother Nature doesn't have a mood swing and zap us again!
The smell of jasmine in my garden is almost intoxicating. I love it :y2:, my wife is down with hay-fever :y8:.
This year was the first time I planted jasmine and its just outside our bedroom window the smell sure is great as it fills up the whole house. I think I need to plant some more in the back next to my deck as that would be great sitting outside by the pool and having the smell of jasmine around
The botanical name for this shrub is Brunsfelsia. It is not native to South Africa but does very well all over the country and is a very common garden shrub. It is covered with masses of medium to small flowers which are white , a lilac shade and purplish , hence its name as the flowers turn into the 3 differents colours. The flowers have a lovely fragrance. There is also one which has much larger flowers. They are fairly slow growing , I had one which reached abour 2.5 metres high in a house I previously stayed in. They can withstand a fair degree of frost.
They like full sun or semi shade. I have never seen them grown indoors but maybe you should experiment. I am amazed at the plants that Americans over winter or even grow indoors , things that here we could never imagine could be kept indoors.


The one we have growing actual takes your breath away as you walk past it. I am so glad it took off as I was worried that it would die with us not having much rain for all those months. With all the rain we are now having my garden is starting to look like something again
It's called a Y T & T because the first day the blossom opens, it's a deep blue, tomorrow it'll be a paler blue and the next day it'll be white. Some people also call it a "Jesus Shrub" or a "Trinity Shrub". Just outside my office window I've planted 2 jasmines, 1 Y T &T and a Japanese Citrus jasmine - if nothing else, I have a sweet smelling work envinment! We have jasmine and penny royal planted near all the house windows - Penny Royal keeps the mosquitos away so plant it in widow boxes right below the windows. You can also crush the penny royal leaves and rub it on your skin or put the leaves on your windowsill, on the inside! No more mozzies.

There - now you have my green fingers tip of the day! :y2:

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