It's a miracle, I can see, I can see

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I have never had a headache from a change in prescription.
You must have let your eyesight get pretty bad for a change in prescription to bring on a headache.
But then you could be more sensitive than I to changes.
I think I could write you a song... I Can See Clearly Now would probably be a good title for it... Oh wait, I think that may have already been done.

I didn't realize how blind :y19: I was until I got my first pair.
I have never had a headache from a change in prescription.
You must have let your eyesight get pretty bad for a change in prescription to bring on a headache.
But then you could be more sensitive than I to changes.

Yeah well there is a bit of a story here. The original guy that always did my eyes left SA and a new guy took over his practise. So off I go have my eyes tested new lenses need so he does his thing and orders them. They arrive he puts them in and off I go. I get into the car to drive back to the office and I am really not seeing very well but I think ok new lenses maybe I need a bit of time. Get into the office sit in front of the PC and I can see nothing just blur. Now I am really furious so I got back and have it out with him, It ends up putting back my old lenses and ordering new ones of the same prescription as my ones were also scratched. So now I cannot have it done again in that medical insurance cycle have to wait for the next one. So that was now and it ends up the last time I had them changed was 4 years back so there was a huge difference in prescription to what I was using. Oh and the guy that did it this time was a new guy that took over from the last guys that took over from my original guy. I made sure that he had good references before I used him :y2:
oh no ! that means at last you can see who youve been letting join TT ( sh#t were in for it now ! not to mention some of the :threadjacked: . you now who you are ! and now dave does to :y13::y10: )
Wow Dave, that was a major PITA to have that happen.
The guy I go to is one of the best in the province and has all the very latest (expensive) testing equipment.
In 2010 he told me I have a hint of a caratact developing in one eye. When I went back last year it had not advanced at all so that was good news.
My prescription from 2010 had not changed either so good news all around for the old fart.
He races cars and teaches performance driving in his spare time.
We also talk cars and bikes during my visits :y2:
Considering my age, my eyesight is very good.
Some mornings I get up and get going without my glasses (just forget to put them on) and it isn't until a while later that I realize I need them to read :y2:
Glad you got the right glasses this time. I have not had an eye exam in three years - and I know my eyes need help!

i have had an eye problem from a young age , i used to have to wear pachtes on my eye ! my left eye has perfect 20 vision my right eye has 16 vision .
the problem is that i use my left one for everything as when i look strait ahead left eye looks stait the right one looks at 2 oclock , which means i cant use bins or any two lens stuff as i only look through one at a time .( swint ).

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