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I have to say that i feel it is not me, but one of the mods at RAT who is in the wrong. This guy gives the impression that he is the "wise one" at thier rocket forum and always has an answer that he pushes as the gospel, no matter how well it is proven wrong. man o man does this pi$$ me off! let me explain the scenario. First let it be know that it is NOT my opinion, but fact that in the 3 R3 forums i know of there are far more posts about issues with the R3 than there are for an6y other triumph i have noticed, certainly when it comes to the twins. anyways, everytime someone posts at RAT's R3 forum asking about reliability of the R3 in order to make a decision whether to buy or not, All the R3 owners come out to tell him the bike has no more issues than any other bike. This is thier answer to why there are so many issues posted....

"the reason is that people tend to use internet forums to complain about their bikes. So there is an inordinate number of people with problems posting, therefore you don't get a true reading as to how many people have issues with them".

Thats not verbatim, but essentially what he always says. Now read my answer to him and tell me whether he's full of it or i am.

"It IS indeed a good representation not necessarily of what percentage of R3's have problems, but a good representation of how problematic they are COMPARED TO OTHER MODELS. In other words, there are forums for the twins and all the other models. If what you say is true then why do i not even see a fraction of the serious issues i see on the R3 forums in the forums for the other triumph models? And to further prove the R3 is indeed problematic RELITIVE TO OTHER MODELS, there are probably 50 or 100 twins on the street as there R3's !!! Therefore the issues we see on the twins forums should far far outnumber the R3 issues if as you say the R3 has no more issues than other models."

Now please enlighten me as to where i was so wrong that he deleted my post? My opinion....he knew i was right but would not admit it to himself or anyone else and because irritated and deleted me.
There are entire threads that are huge devoted to catastrophic issues the R3 has has at some forums. I once went to the RAT one and saw something like 7 or 8 threads on the first page alone at once that were about serious issues people were having. At the RAT twins forum over 3.5 years, and i am not exaggerating, i have seen maybe 2 or 3 serious issues ! And this from a forum who's model outnumbers the R3 by a huge margin. Somebody explain why i am the one full of $heet and i will gladly admit fault if it makes sense.

And by the way, my response was to a poster who really wanted to know if all the negitive things he's read are true. I NEVER told him they were. I only said heres the ammunition you need to find out for yourself. review what i said and decide for yourself instead of listening to any yes or no biased answers anyone give you !
What really astounds me, and i really mean ASTOUNDS, is that this person who appears to think of himself as some sort of intellectual who is beyond questioning, fails to see the obvious logic that proves his theory a pathetic attempt to falsely preserve his beloved R3's reputation. It's juvenile at best, totally opposite to the wise intelligent person he tries so hard to portray.

lemmie tell you....if the speedmaster was a lemon design, whether mine was the rare exception or one of the failures, i'd have no other answer to someone posting to ask about them other than "take your chances...they are indeed problematic". I'd hope others would do the same for me. But i guess you can't count on that, eh !?
If what im reading is this guy thinking his bike the R3 is a great bike but dont want to admit the problems or let it be known that the R3 has problems then who is he kidding. If a bike has a problem and you dont share it with others how the heck do we all learn how to get around it or fix the problem at hand. By keeping things to yourself and not admitting the problems is crazy.

Thats like the problem I am having at the moment. I love the speedmaster but sure I got a problem so post it out there so that othrs with the same bike if having the same problem can get help. I have no problem saying I love my bike BUT

Ya not wrong at all mate...

Ride Safe
Every model has it's own "personal issues". There's always a pattern of problems grouped into certain categories for each model and then sometimes broken into years of production.

The best thing to do is create a 'pros and cons style' of answer to anyone that asks about any model, then your giving them the straight info and let them make up their own mind.

It's also pretty lame to just delete you post just because you disagree. That's not the job of a moderator at all. His personality should stay above that sort of stuff instead of inflicting it upon everyone.
This is something that has always amazed me on some forums the deleting of post as they feel or according to their personal beliefs. I have not returned to a number of forums because of this. I cannot see the logic in the forum if it is not open discussion.

I too would be one of the first to point out the problems on my bike to a new potential owner. The move people that know about it the more chance you also have of forcing the manufacture to fix these issues.