Bonneville T100
The temperature here today is 74 degrees Farenheit or 23 degrees Celcius or 296.5 degrees Kelvin. I never remember the temperature being that warm in NC this time of the year. So I went out for a ride. I did discover a new problem. It does not happen all the time. Ever so often it will sputter. I noticed that when it does and I turn the headlight off it smoothes out. Then after a while I can turn the headlight on and it runs fine. Then it may happen again. This is a real mystery to me. When the electric starter was installed Ozzie changed out the stator with a new high output one. I just installed a new battery when the new wiring harness was installed. I have never experienced this problem before. If it was a constant problem it would be easy to solve. Since it is intermittent this creates a problem in itself. My first thought was that there was a problem with the new wiring harness. Since the problem only happens when the light is on makes solving the problem easier because if it is the wiring it will only be in the hedlight wiring circuit. Tomorrow I will check the voltage output coming out of the charging system (to eliminate the charging system as the source) as well as the wiring coming out of the lights (although the bulb holder is new). It has a H4 bulb which was in there when I bought the bike. I never had this problem with the old wiring harness although I changed out the wiring harness because of other serious problems. Anyone ever had this same problem?