il silenzio

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Maybe this should be posted in the Rant & Rave section but I wanted to comment on the poor voter turnout at the elections in both of our countries.
It galls me no end when turnout for elections is something like 50% - or worse!
Everyone should be forced to watch this video and be made to understand that freedom is not free. Thousands of our brothers and sisters died so we could have the freedom and the right to vote for a government of our choosing. We may not always like what we get but at least we have freedom of choice.
The USA is about to have a federal election and canada will have on on Tuesday.
When I turned 21 I then had the right to vote and have never missed a federal or local election in the last 50 years!
I consider it my duty and in a small way to pay respect for those who died on foreign soil in the name of freedom and so I could be free to choose!
The North American public needs a kick in the a$$!
Add UK to the list of voter apathy, I think 33% voted at the last election. When ever anyone complains about this Government and then tells me they did not vote I have to tell them , by not voting against them you voted for them . :angry:

Dave, another inspiring video, thanks for posting :y115:
An outstanding rendition of El Silencio. Thank you very much for the post, Devo. It reminded me of friends, comrades , and family lost that I will not see again in this life time.

The US is also a voter apathetic nation. Rocky, like you, I have never missed a federal election since I turned 21. I have missed two primaries while out of the country and the absentee ballots did not reach me.
Dave, I remember when you did that video around Christmas time. I posted it in the PGR forum. I hope that you will post it again in December here as a reminder for me to post it again at PGR. It brought tears to my eyes - again. It is a great poem and a great video accompanying the poem. Well done!
Devo, that is beautiful; thank you.

Dave, your video is awesome. Because I have anttended Patriot Guard Rider missions, it is very emotional.