Igniton Swithch Relocation

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Like a lot of Bonneville owners I found the factory ignition switch location awkward and decided to try some alternate spots. The first spot that came to mind was to use the rear head stay area. IMG_0019.jpg Of course to try this I needed to find out if there was enough reach. So after getting the plugs out of the headlight I carefully cut the sheath around the feed to the headlight and folded back the plug to under the frame.IMGA0068.JPGIMG_0018.jpg In order to hold the switch I fabricated a bracket from a unused part of a yard dump bucket.IMG_0020.jpg This arrangement worked well and sitting on the bike I could drop my arm straight down and be on the key. My one concern was that, during the summer the switch would get quite hot and be damaged, or at the least, drip out the grease that is used inside. So on to plan #2.

I have seen various home made and aftermarket solutions that put it up at the instrument area. Which IMHO is where it should be. I didn't want to alter the stock parts permanently. Looking at my available supply of materials to work with, I found an old piece of brass door trim.IMG_0022.jpg This pic is after I laid out the mounting holes and cut the hole for the switch to poke thru. The hole saw kit that I own is not top quality and I do not have a drill press, so the end result was that I had to file the hole to fit. This picture shows all the hardware.IMG_0029.jpg I used plastic spacers to fill in the gap between the plate and the switch ears. My local True Value store had the longer recessed hex head screws in black. I found some steel spacers to go under the plate where the bolts screw into the handle bar clamps. That allowed the plate to sit proud of the clamp.IMG_0028.jpg As you can see here, the switch hole is not concentric. The plate angles were cut with a hack-saw. It could be trimmed some more, maybe later. The reason the switch securing bolts are in a 11 and 5 o'clock plane is that it allows the wires a strait shot to the headlamp.IMG_0040.jpg Some more filling, sanding, and a couple coats of black paint and this is the final for now. I does look clunky, but it is not in the way of my tank bag and certainly accessible. When I feel like I have run out of new projects I will trim and round out the plate some more. For now it works for me.
Thank you. Were supposed to get 8" snow tomorrow. Glad I brought the scoot into the basement. Got more work to do. You are correct about the mistresses!
Maybe cut the hole a little bigger around the cylinder and then get a large grommet to fit. That would "hide" your "ex centricity." Nice work either way.
NORTY, Good minds think alike. I had that same thought . When I get done with getting my 69 TR6R back together, (trans O.H. and Bob Newby belt drive), and I get the new springs in the T100, and when the valves are adjusted, and if the snow and cold stay around long enough, and I don't have " HoneyDo's", it will come back off to be trimmed and grommetized. Almost there. Dam mistresses. Needy Bitc##s!


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