If you won the lottery..............

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Tiger Rider
Staff member
Supporting Member
Our Canadian Lotto Max lottery just hit $70 million and this prompted me to think "What if I won that kind of money, what would I do with or spend that kind of money on?"

Well......... I would disappear for a while at first as every person you know and don't know would be looking for a handout. Would make sure my immediate family was well taken care of and possibly go on a round the world cruise to see where I'd like to travel more to or possibly live(definitely a warmer place than where I live now), and could ride all year around. Have a big garage with all the toys would be nice as well, but not necessarily going to happen 'cause I may be too busy with other adventures to enjoy them. Probably buy a big toy hauler so I could tour this great continent of North America we live in and be able to stop and enjoy the areas that intrigue me and my wife.
Something I heard on the radio prompted me to ponder this. One woman's response that I heard was to keep $10M and make 60 other people millionaires. Thought that was interesting.
How would you spend your winnings, If you hit the jackpot...............................................................?
Our last one was R149 Million and at the time I was hard pressed to think what I would do with that type of cash.

My brother would get a nice deposit in his bank account for sure. I would invest some for my wife and then the rest in my name so I know for the rest of my life I was all setup. Then I suppose I would look at purchasing a new lifestyle in a new city as you would find those long lost relations knocking on your door every other day.

Some would go towards charities that I would select, possibly a large portion being for animals.
I never play the lotto, but once in a while when I heard of those huge pots up for grabs, I too will think of what I would do with that kind of cash.
I would follow the pattern set by Qship almost to the letter.
I would build or buy a property for the bike club I belong to so that we could have a place to work on bikes, store them if necessary, and have socials and our business meetings.
I would also contribute to certain charities, food banks, etc.

All that said, I have always said that dumping such huge amounts of money on one person is too much. Huge pots should be split up so there are several winners.
Our Canadian Lotto Max lottery just hit $70 million and this prompted me to think "What if I won that kind of money, what would I do with or spend that kind of money on?"

Well......... I would disappear for a while at first as every person you know and don't know would be looking for a handout. Would make sure my immediate family was well taken care of and possibly go on a round the world cruise to see where I'd like to travel more to or possibly live(definitely a warmer place than where I live now), and could ride all year around. Have a big garage with all the toys would be nice as well, but not necessarily going to happen 'cause I may be too busy with other adventures to enjoy them. Probably buy a big toy hauler so I could tour this great continent of North America we live in and be able to stop and enjoy the areas that intrigue me and my wife.
Something I heard on the radio prompted me to ponder this. One woman's response that I heard was to keep $10M and make 60 other people millionaires. Thought that was interesting.
How would you spend your winnings, If you hit the jackpot...............................................................?

I should buy a ticket or two.

My immediate family would all become millionaires to start, then I'd pretty much follow your plan. The one thing I'd also try to do is establish a revenue stream for my kids, grand kids and descendants. I'd have to spend time figuring out the best way to do that - investments? a business? It needs research. Anyway a method of continuing the wealth rather than blow it after a generation or three.
As Q and others have said, I would definitely travel. I would finish renovating my house, take care of my family, and possibly relocate to a waterfront property. There are some charities that I would endow.

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