I May Just Jump The Tbird Ship For The Street Twin

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I love the Tbird, it's a incredible bike, especially how i have mine tuned. But my life is coming to that point where i have to consider the reality of what i want vs what i need. And my age is getting up there and my financial status pretty pathetic and i have to consider the future as far as bike costs and ability to DIY. The ST will cost 1/2 as much in tires if not 1/3, supposedly gets, gulp, 70 MPG, (!!! probably very optimistic of triumph, but even 50-55 would be unreal) final drive can be changed out myself and for a fraction of the Tbird's belt+labor, (swingarm must be removed) and many many more reasons. That and just the fact the reviews i have been looking at all rave about it as tho it;s the greatest triumph ever made. A few new owners have also posted reviews and have also all be extremely positive. Plus i love a lot about the looks. I just think it;s a heck of a bike and i had this gut feeling about it. Someone also said there is literally no noticeable engine noise, and huge issue with me on my last 2 triumphs.

So i dunno. I may or may not do this, i'm just not sure. I will lose huge on my Tbird and have to put out several grand. But i just have a good feeling about it. So when i get a chance to demo one i will, and if it just nails what i envision it to be, which the reviews seem to confirm, I'll probably jump on it. And Dave, I know you love red but i never usually like it, but this bike looks great red. So that would likely be the color i'd go with.

Oh, and by the way, tho the peak HP is down from the old 865, it's actually got 22% more in the power band where you'll spend the vast majority of time, up to about 6k. And the torque is higher overall by 18% and peaks at a lower RPM, i think 2k lower.
I am also wanting to take a demo ride on one of these as I have been hearing the same as what you have. The problem is right now I am not in the market for a new bike and the cost involved in that but I would still like to know.

So once you have done your demo ride be sure to report back as I would really like to hear your take on it.
Same here. ANd hey DOWNSIZING is not always a bad thing! We have done a good bit of it with the kids all being grown and gone (smaller house) and no need for a giant SUV (gas guzzler) got tiny little KIA Soul ---- I am liking "little living" I think you may just enjoy it as well....and what a gorgeous bike to downsize to. ;)
I will post a review if i do get one, but it's a matter of whether it just draws me in beyond my ability to resist. you know how that goes. If it doesn't just grab me like that it won't happen because i will lose big selling the Tbird. Downsizing has it's good and bad points, but really it's like the old saying, the grass is always greener. Once i'm over then fence and on the bonnie side i fear i will miss that power. You can cruise at speeds the bonnie will nearly be topping out at and pull away like nobody's business. I will surely miss that, but the only REAL solution is 2 bikes and in my case thats not a possibility. But one more thing makes me want to downsize.....i just don't ride as much lately as i used to and definately not as far. My typical ride when i'm looking to spend the day on the ride ends up only being 2-3 hours.

One dilemma.....the dealer nearest me is only 2 miles ! BUT, they don't intend to have a demo for a good while. they said if i'm serious they would let me ride one thats not a demo, but obviously that means i have to buy it, and what if i don't like it? Plus i am not ready to buy this moment. But they said they're due in this week so at least i can look at one and sit one it.
i don't think it's downsizing at all. The Street Twin is a very nice bike and you'll have plenty of fun with it. You can customize it, add bags and stuff for those longer journeys, etc. It's a timeless design and there are some enhancements from previous generations. The difference in weight alone will put a smile on your face. And the technology should make for an improved riding experience. hope you enjoy your demo. let us know how you make out.
Well, it's a big downsize in weight and power, but on the other hand there are advantages that come with lighter weight, and while i will surely miss the power, my priorities are changing as i age and my life situation both financially and otherwise changes. So it's not downsizing in a negative sense, but it IS downsizing literally.
This is a tough one for you. Your T Bird is a stunner that's for sure. You say that you have a gut feeling for the street twin, I would trust your gut. My mate had a Daytona in British racing green, he loved it to bits and said that he'd never sell it, well time moved on and one day he was given a Thruxton as a courtesy bike while his was being serviced, and he liked it so much he traded his Daytona in for a new Thruxton, and he loves it, It's not a powerful as his Daytona, but he says that he enjoys it more as it's lighter and has more power than he'll ever need.
I personal like the street twin, and I'm hoping to go to Lincoln next Friday to see it in the flesh, I'll be taking my camera with me, so all being well I'll post some decent pictures. In the meantime here is a video that you might not have seen of the speed twin on test.
Another thing regarding the money you'll be loosing, if you wait a few months or so, how much more will you loose ?.
Good luck with whatever you decide to do. I too like it in Red
I saw that along with many others. One thing that has me crazy excited about it is that one of the members at another forum who demo'd one said the engine noise is non existent. A HUGE triumph gripe of mine. Add to that one of the reviewers said the exhaust note is easily the best he's ever heard on a stock bike. Both of those things are apparent in the videos. Theres just so much about them that excites me. I love water cooling and fly by wire for a number of reasons, and ABS standard? The just seemed to have pulled out almost all the stops. I would miss a tach and self cancelling signals horribly tho.
funny thing i have to tell you.. my dealer in NY called me a few weeks ago. said he just got a Street Twin for demo rides only and wanted me to stop by. (told him earlier wife was interested) anyway, we shoot over a day later and found out the bike was no longer available because it was trashed when one of the reps took it out for a ride to test the traction control feature. apparently he rode out with it on, then turned it off to see the difference. when he pulled a hard turn off the light the bike spun out of control and headed straight to a parked car. they just got a replacement one and I was able to check out the exhaust sound. it sounds like it has aftermarket pipes. no real need to swap them out. the engine is quiet though. i think it's a perfect balance for that bike. didn't take her out though. waiting on the Rs to arrive.
Triumph has stressed that they opened up the exhaust for a more "pleasing" sound.
On another forum a poster said he had taken a Street Twin out and found the factory exhausts a bit loud, but not too annoying.
Like beauty, noise is in the eye/ears of the beholder BGRIN
Strange.....i wonder how they get around the noise laws. And if they are within the allowable volume, who are all the other triumphs quiet? I always figured they were already as loud as the law allows.

Odd about the traction control story. I would never expect a engine of that size to need it but i guess they really did some magic with this engine. Make you wonder what the 1200's will be like. I'll tell you this....if they made the street twin with the 1200 engine i can almost assure you i;d be selling my Tbird.
The big swinger will come once you actually take it for a demo ride. You will come back convinced one way or the other, so now you possible need to find a demo bike as soon as you can.
From everything I've read about these new Bonneville's the 1200 engine is something else. As to the sound, be in no doubt that what you hear will be road legal.
100% agree with that.
No manufacturer would release a bike from the factory that would almost immediately be illegal in most markets.
Triumph listened to customer complaints that the Bonneville was too quiet and designed the new bikes with mufflers/silencers that meet emission/noise standards, but at the same time delivering a nice throaty growl.

I read an article in a Canadian magazine that said the MSRP for the T120 is nearly $12,00.00 Canadian - plus VAT/HST taxes.
Since I already have a Bonnie that I'm pleased with, the urge to move up isn't that strong. If I didn't already have one I would probably go for it.
I suppose I could do a trade-in, but after the pricey mods I made to the suspension and brakes I'm reluctant to let it go.
I suppose I could do a trade-in, but after the pricey mods I made to the suspension and brakes I'm reluctant to let it go.

Sounds to me like someone is trying hard to find reasons not to do something he'd really love to do ! Come on, ya only live once Rocky ! BBEER Water cooling......traction control......fly by wire......dead quiet engine......54% more torque.....much better MPG.....not that i'm trying to convince you or anything :y23:

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