How women think.

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After last nights final MotoGP race for the year the TV camera showed a shot of Loris Capirossi's beautiful wife with tears in her eyes. Loris had just run his last race and was retiring after a very successful 22 years. I was thinking "She's so proud of him". My wife spoke up and said "She's thinking, Oh no, now he'll be at home every day".
Don't get me started ! Women: 1+1=7. And don't ask them how they came to the conclusion that 1+1=7 because they will have a great reason and you'll be a jackass if you don't agree. I remain happily single. :y2:
LOL Yes. No matter what the question (or correct answer) the Ladies are ALWAYS right......they aren't but don't let THEM know that. They get all medieval on your ass if they think they are WRONG.
After last nights final MotoGP race for the year the TV camera showed a shot of Loris Capirossi's beautiful wife with tears in her eyes. Loris had just run his last race and was retiring after a very successful 22 years. I was thinking "She's so proud of him". My wife spoke up and said "She's thinking, Oh no, now he'll be at home every day".

:y23: She may be right
Then you have this grumpy old fart sitting around with no mission in life BGRIN
I resent that remark! I'm not the least bit grumpy :y2:

Seriously, when I retired my wife admitted many months later that she had some concerns about me being home all day, every day, but that went away as we have a large house and don't get in each others way. People often ask why we still stay in such a large home for only two people.
Well, it works. We each have lots of space. My wife was a stay-at-home-mom so she enjoys being alone and doing whatever she feels like doing.
I spent the first few years of my retirement practically living in my basement workshop during the winter working on my vintage bikes. She hardly ever saw me!!
Then I became very involved with the vintage bike club and that takes up some of my time with meetings, organizing rides, writing newsletter articles, etc.
We also have very different tastes in TV entertainment and have always had our own TV's.
Now, here we are working on the 49th year of our marriage and we have rarely spoken a cross word.
I have nothing but good to say about the ladies.
A friend of mine is fond of saying, "If God made anything better than women he kept it for himself."
I can't argue with that.
Without going into details or seem like I'm bragging, I'll just say that the ladies and I got on very well in my bachelor days - if you know what I mean :y34:
Ahh, the memories :y2:

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