How Much Is Your Head Worth

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A lot of us complain about the cost of helmets and yet we know that your helmet is the most important
safety item on a motorcycle.

This amateur vid just shows how important it is to get a good Sharp rated helmet
Go check out your safety ratings on your helmet

Interesting but unprofessional video.
I don't think so BUT the second helmet that broke on first blow may be a better one.
Helmets are designed to take one blow (and a couple of secondary bounces) and spread the impact.
That said I spend top $ on my helmets.
I really like my new Shark Evo. It is comfortable and rated well. At just under $400 USD. it is the most expensive helmet I have ever owned.
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I totally forgot what I was going to say
@otherwise that avatar of yours just caught my eye and and I forgot
Who is that? you need to keep that part of your anatomy protected to :y13:
When you start getting up into the $400.00 - $500.00 range for a helmet, that's about the limit for average people.
I could be wrong, but I don't think a higher price is going to buy you that much more protection.
What I think you're getting for a higher price above $500.00 is probably a more plush interior; maybe wilder graphics, or possibly a quieter or lighter helmet.
I've found if a company brings out a new range it's a good time to buy the top of the previous range.
You end up with a great helmet at a discount price.
When you start getting up into the $400.00 - $500.00 range for a helmet, that's about the limit for average people.
I could be wrong, but I don't think a higher price is going to buy you that much more protection.
What I think you're getting for a higher price above $500.00 is probably a more plush interior; maybe wilder graphics, or possibly a quieter or lighter helmet.

Rocky, I think you are spot on. The Shark Evo is a new design in modular helmets that lets you ride with the chin bar up like a 3/4 helmet. It definitely has improved ventilation, is quieter and has much less buffeting. I am really loving this helmet.

I've found if a company brings out a new range it's a good time to buy the top of the previous range.
You end up with a great helmet at a discount price.
I have noticed that, too. Good observation.
How many knocks can a helmet take?
Many many times my offroad helmet has rolled off my seat and fallen hard

I've heard or read somewhere after you've been in an accident and your helmet might just be scatched
it should be replaced
How many knocks can a helmet take?
Many many times my offroad helmet has rolled off my seat and fallen hard

I've heard or read somewhere after you've been in an accident and your helmet might just be scatched
it should be replaced
This can be a hard call.
It's pretty well accepted that only one crash per helmet. Even if the helmet didn't crack or break in a crash, it would probably be so beat up that you wouldn't want to wear it anyway.
I've only ever had one crash, and while I didn't land on my head, the helmet took some hard knocks and was so scratched scraped that I tossed it.
As for falling off a seat onto pavement, some say that compromises the helmet and it should be tossed. Landing on soft ground might be another matter.
I honestly don't know how many knocks a helmet can take, but after "fallen hard many times," it might be worth considering a new one - and try to not let it fall :y15: :y15:
(answering with my eyes closed)

Exactly Dave my helmets have fallen/ been dropped plenty times
Otherwise ! it is going to be a costly exercise to replace helmets especially my offoads
they fall all the time, I need to take better care in the future
Thanks for the advise Sir naked butt
Considering the cost of a helmet I cannot see it being possible to keep replacing them each time they take a bit of a fall.
This is why it's so hard to make the call. It all depends on how hard the fall is.
A "bit of a fall" is probably not a problem, but a severe fall may be another matter.
Damage on the outside is an indicator of damage you may not be able to see, but not necessarily.
It's up to the judgement of the owner.
I'm very anal when it comes to the care of my helmets and have never dropped one or had it fall.

The same goes for the age of helmets - how old is too old?
The helmet companies naturally want you to buy new ones, and often issue severe warnings about bumps, bangs and age. Just read the labels inside the helmet!
Helmet technology does advance over the years so I usually upgrade every 6-8 years.
The date of manufacture is inside the helmet.
Every helmet I have ever had has been dropped of fallen off of the seat. That said, when I crashed, I replaced that helmet. It did its job and all I could see were scratches. But it was not worth risking my life for.