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Insurance in a necessary evil, but in this environment, and more besides, one gets what one pays for. Cheap insurance (myway, first for women, outsurance etc etc) is fine when looking for low premiums, but when it is time to claim then these company's fall down!

I have been insured with santam since the year dot. They don't quibble.

Paul Harten is a good person for advice. :)
I am with GlenrandMIB and also have been with them for ever but I just seem to think I am paying a bit much now. Mind you when I did look last night I was paying a lot less than what I actually thought I was. Maybe I will just stick with them then
Glenrand is expensive in general

Silli - I'm with 1st for Women and have had outstanding service from day 1. My claim was sorted out in a day, they provide a safety service - I went to an evening wedding in Pretoria and wasn't happy about driving home alone late at night - 1st for Women sent a car to the wedding venue and then drove behind me from all the way, right my to my front door (after midnight), waited for me to go inside and confirm all was well and then left - at no extra cost at all. I've had excellent service from them to date.
Dave, not only just the service, but they were about R800 per month cheaper than Auto & General. Here's the kicker - A&G are the underwriters for 1st for Women - go figure! As soon as A&G received my notice of cancellation, they were all over me like a rash - loosing a 25year customer - and they still couldn't match the 1st for Women.
Tip from 1st for Women: If you've had your car insured with a specific insurer for 3 years or more, you should do a comparative shop-around every 3rd year - insurance companies will automatically increase your premiums annually and when they do this, they do NOT look at your claims record - it's just a standard, across the board increase, which I why I was paying over R1700 p/m for my car.

Had I shopped around regularly, I would've been in a position to negotiate with the insurer I'd been with for 20 years and could have received a better rate from them. I still changed my insurer because I felt that after 20 years, it was A&G's responsibility to contact me and offer me a better rate due to my long standing loyalty instead of lumping me in with the mob - had they made an effort to look after me I probably wouldn't have changed. It was only when I cancelled my policy did they start falling over themselves to retain my business. And I hadn't had a claim for more than 12 years!

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