Hid Projector head light modification for T100 Bonneville Black

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T100 Bonneville Black
Hi All I though some of you may be interested in my project in which I am in the process of modifying an after market head light by installing a Hid projector to improve the lighting.

I current use a Phillips Extreme 100 quartz halogen globe however I still want to improve my lighting as I live in the Dandenong Ranges and all the roads to my home are via forest which is extremely dark in the evenings.

First I purchased a 6" black shell headlight in which I disassembled by removing all the wiring, globe and removed the semi sealed beam insert.

I then placed the semi sealed beam insert into the oven at 150C for 10 minutes to soften the sealant holding the lens onto the reflector.

Gently prise the lens from the reflector and remove it. Be careful to ensure you don't crack it.

Allow to cool and then mark around the globe holder the suitable size to cut out of the reflector to install the hid projector. My unit is around 70mm diameter.

I cut the hole out with a saw and side cutters gently and then filed smooth the round hole and made some cut outs to suit the webbing on the hid alloy housing until it fitted the reflector with adequate clearance for the lens which on mine is around 15mm.

I then glued in the hid projector into the reflector using Selleys liquid nails and then used a silastic to seal around the hid projector and reattach the lens.

That is where I am up too at this stage and will keep you informed on the next step of this project wich is the installation of the light and wiring.

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Thanks Rocky I will keep you all inform of project and details of items and suppliers. I just need some nice weather and time as I am busy at work and renovating my home and completing my mancave so time is a challenge to find.
Will do Hemibee, have a ride planned for the weekend so will install it after next weekend when I have some time as I need to modify the wiring and install the inverter for the hid headlight and the halo angel eye which is going to be the park light so it will look like the BMW cars etc.
The Halo comes in this particular Hid Proctor kit also with a devils eye in which you can connect a switch and power source so a glow comes from the projector when the nain light is not on. I ordered a red devils eye. As soon as I have it wired I will post pictures of the light beam and biew of the halo etc.
Message to all who may attempt this project and message to myself.........Do Not Use Liquid Nails as an adhesive!!!!! Doooh! would not dry or bond correctly and to clean off has created a problem as it has damaged the appearance of the reflector chrome. I am in the process of trying to recoat by paint the reflector to a satisfactory look or else will purchase another light so I may start again. Epoxy is a more suitable adhesive and is bonding well and I have re painted the reflector in gloss black as a base coat and then tried a chrome spray paint in which I think the black looked much better! I will take some pictures and post tomorrow of the reflector in silver and black. Remember the reflector is now not required as a reflector as the projector lense is with a reflector but will the black stand out too much and attract the police? Only time may tell. I will keep you posted.
Hi Dave the focus from the information supplied with pictures is a very bright white light with a wide with excellent cut off beam so it does not flare in the eyes of oncoming traffic.unfortunately after the poor choice of adhesive it has created more issues by damaging the look of the reflector of the original light and finally after many attempts of repainting and cleaning off coats of paint I found the reflector now has a crack so i have pulled apart and will start again. I will post more pics as I proceed. I h believe the quality of the after market light is not too my standard so I may convert the original .

Anyway for know off for a ride today with a group I ride with from the hills to the coast 280km round trip hope the weather stays kind, catch up soon
HID Projector High Beam.jpgHID projector low beam.jpgHi All please see the pictures of the light beams supplied by the seller of the HID Projector 35watt I would suspect from a motor vehicle. As you can see the light has a sharper detailed cut off to reduce the risk of blinding on coming traffic and it is an extremely wide bright light beam pattern

I will be converting my standard 7" light soon and will post the outcome.
Too keep you up to date I have ordered two more projectors which may be easier to install in the round 7" headlight as they do not have webs on the moulding of the reflector just a round smooth surface which will be more easy to make the cut out for the projector. They ship to USA and Europe and come to suit LHD and RHD as we need in Australia and the UK. I hope to have them with in the next two weeks so I may attempt trial number two!

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Too keep you up to date I have ordered two more projectors which may be easier to install in the round 7" headlight as they do not have webs on the moulding of the reflector just a round smooth surface which will be more easy to make the cut out for the projector. They ship to USA and Europe and come to suit LHD and RHD as we need in Australia and the UK. I hope to have them with in the next two weeks so I may attempt trial number two!

- - - Updated - - -

Too keep you up to date I have ordered two more projectors which may be easier to install in the round 7" headlight as they do not have webs on the moulding of the reflector just a round smooth surface which will be more easy to make the cut out for the projector. They ship to USA and Europe and come to suit LHD and RHD as we need in Australia and the UK. I hope to have them with in the next two weeks so I may attempt trial number two!
Your welcome Carl i placed a ppst with a link to my facebook page which has videos of my shed and wild life if you are interested.
HID Modified headlight.jpgHID Projector 2.jpgHID Projector.jpgHID Projector and modified Bonneville 7" headlight insert ready to install this weekend all going well.

I will take pictures of the installation and light pattern after installation and post.

I will also be installing a twin USB power socket to charge my iPhone Tom Tom GPS and hopefully charge my Go Pro batteries when on long trips.

I will be going on a 4 day ride with 4 other riders in 2 weeks over the Snowy Mountains of great windy roads and hope to have some nice video pics of the trip.

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