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New old guy here.
Live in Seattle area.
Going on 63 and been riding and loving motorcycles since my parents got me a Honda trail bike when I was 14.
Spent many years riding a Gold Wing most recently but sold that a couple years ago and thought maybe I'd give up riding but a bug bit me in the ass and reminded me that I never satisfied my lustful dreams of owning a Bonneville.
Don't have one yet but I'm going to have one by spring.
Actually leaning towards the Scrambler.
Looking forward to participating on this forum.
Looks like a wealth of good info here.
Welcome to TriumphTalk!

Hello Tboneplayer and welcome to TriumphTalk

Please try and keep this thread as your introduction thread. If you have any bike related questions please post them in the appropriate forum area as you will get a better response from all.

We also run a monthly photo competition so you may want to have a look at this as it is great fun all round Forum: Photo Competition

For information on how some of our forum enhancements work please have a look at our Forum How To Area. If you have any additional questions on how forum features work you can post them in this area.

Please note it may take a few minutes for your registration to be verified before the other forum areas become available to you

If you have any further questions please feel free to contact CarlS or DaveM

Enjoy your stay and have fun BBEER
Tboneplayer, welcome to the forum from the opposite corner of the nation. You and I started riding at the same age - although I started six years before you. :y2: You will really enjoy either the Bonnie or the Scrambler. Both are really god bikes. Let us know what you decide.
New old guy here.
Live in Seattle area.
Going on 63 and been riding and loving motorcycles since my parents got me a Honda trail bike when I was 14.
Spent many years riding a Gold Wing most recently but sold that a couple years ago and thought maybe I'd give up riding but a bug bit me in the ass and reminded me that I never satisfied my lustful dreams of owning a Bonneville.
Don't have one yet but I'm going to have one by spring.
Actually leaning towards the Scrambler.
Looking forward to participating on this forum.
Looks like a wealth of good info here.

Hi and welcome Tboneplayer, like you I too am an old guy, pushing 66, have been riding a long while (since '64) on a variety of bikes, the last one being an '06 VFR and like you wanted to finally realize a teenage dream and ride and own a Bonneville. I finally did this only last Friday when I sold my VFR and purchased a gorgeous "mellow yellow" '07 T100. You are going to love your Triumph!:y2: