Help John Bloor become a "Knight"

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Dont get me wrong,he did a great job of bringing Triumph back.
But just latterly we are seeing to many instances of faulty bikes being put out there prior to thorough testing and as a result of bad quality control.
I love my 07 America, but as said elsewhere,the standard of finish wasnt a patch on my 04.
If the man wasnt quite so $ driven, and was a bit more selective in where his bikes were built (read in Britain) and did a tighter quality check on his hardware suppliers,then and only then would I nominate him for a knightehood, which is awarded for services to his country,not his private empire.
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Dont get me wrong,he did a great job of bringing Triumph back.
But just latterly we are seeing to many instances of faulty bikes being put out there prior to thorough testing and as a result of bad quality control.
I love my 06 America, but as said elsewhere,the standard of finish wasnt a patch on my 04.
If the man wasnt quite so $ driven, and was a bit more selective in where his bikes were built (read in Britain) and did a tighter quality check on his hardware suppliers,then and only then would I nominate him for a knightehood, which is awarded for services to his country,not his private empire.

I see what you saying here especially when I read the petition itself

John Bloor "The Father of modern British Motorcycles"

Responsible department: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

For being the Saviour of Triumph. To celebrate the work and support and, this man has given to the British Motorcycle industry namely Triumph For John Bloor it isn't just about profit. He's a great believer in British manufacturing - he wanted to create high value jobs and he was reacting against the idea that you can create wealth without making something.'

I would like to see him given a knighthood

Besides that it also said the following

You must be a British citizen or normally live in the UK to create or sign e-petitions
It would naturally take someone wealthy to resurrect Triumph in the first place.

The way I see it is he was already rich and would remain that way with or without saving Triumph. He didn't need to do it....he wanted to.

He could just as easily have lost his entire investment had the bikes been a flop (or after the fire).

-- Posted with TapaTalk
There are always two side to issues like this. Devo makes a point, but so does seeker.
Bloor took on the Triumph project because he wanted to and knowing full well it would take at least ten years to show a profit - and that's how long it took.
And it was all his own money that was on the line. Bloor was already a wealthy man and was willing to take the risk. If it failed, he lost a fortune.
Business is business and, unfortunately, offshore is where business goes for cheaper labour - like hundreds have done before him.
Without Bloor none of us would be here talking about our favourite machine - and I would never have met all of you.
I have no problem with the title of Sir John Bloor.
After all, it's only a title and doesn't change a thing in our lives or his.
I venture to say that Bloor is a low-key sort and doesn't care for publicity and might even be embarrassed by the suggestion of a title.
It is indisputable that John Bloor resurrected Triumph. That fact that Triumphs are built off shore is just the reality of modern business as Rocky said. New models often have problems; apparently the new Trophy is one of these. I have had zero issues with my '12 Tiger 800 XC. Is the quality of fit and finish on par with Harley or BMW? No, no but it is close. It also cost less than a BMW or Harley. I do think Triumph has to reevaluate their testing of new models and test them in the conditions of the riders in their markets. I also realize that testing cost money and delays getting the models to the market. It is a tough, competitive business and, over all, Triumph is doing very well.

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