Hein Gericke Going under

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From what I'm reading, Hein-Gericke isn't going out of business, it's their UK "partner" (ie distributor) which has gone into what appears to be the UK equivalent of a US Ch. 11 reorganization. I think the web site at the link given makes it clear that they continue to operate in other countries.
ye i heared this i had an email last week as im on there mailing list .....i didnt think to post it !BLUSH but yes there are some real bargins to be had , gromit its good quality stuff too !
theyve always been quite an exspensive product over here .
I agree - their kit is fantastic. It's very pricey though but I suppose you have to pay for quality. Whenever FS I visit the UK, we always make a turn in at the HG shop - really nice kit. AND they make small boots for ladies - I struggle to find boots that fit me properly and are comfortable.
My friend has just passed her bike license and bought her first bike - she's kitted out from head to toe in HG now. Just wonder what she's going to do with it when she gets here to SA in Dec with 30c+ temps! Told her to buy some summer kit on the sales.
I've never heard of that company before. They either don't have much of a presence in Australia or I just walk about with my eyes half shut.BLUSH
HG is a huge international company, but may not have some presence in some countries. They're well known over here.
Not to hijack this thread with a little story, but it's related to the subject and Triumph.
In 1999 a friend and I rode down to Massachusetts to the Triumph Days Rally.
We were half way through the state of Maine when it started to rain. Maine has no helmet law, but we were glad we had on our fullface helmets as the rain drops were big and sting the face at high speed. The rain didn't let up so we stopped under a highway overpass to let the storm pass. When it became ovbious that we were wasting time and the rain wasn't going to let up, we started to put on our rain gear.
It was then we heard the whine of a motorcycle approaching. A local rider pulled up on a Triumph triple sport bike dressed in HG boots, HG full leather suit, HG gloves and Oakley glasses - and no Helmet!!!!
His first comment was, "Man, that rain really stings the face!"
We talked for a few minutes and then he roared off in the rain at high speed. Important parts of his body were protected except the most important part!!!
Oh well, to each his own.
HG produces high quality gear; but as stated, most of it is for cooler weather. To the best of my knowledge, they do not have a presence in the US except by internet orders. Apparently, internet competition has helped bring about the hard times of the GB distributor.
Never found a piece of HG gear that I could wear - nothing in their lineup for "wide-bodies" like me.:Cry:

well to be honest i find there stuff a bit short in the leg for me ( i need 35" to 36" in bike trousers ) and there jackets are a bit tight across the shoulders for me , shame as i like the look of there stuff .