Harris Tiger 750 Update

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[/GALLERY] Thought I would post an update on the progress of my Tiger 750 to which I am fitting an electric start.
I have made slow progress since April, but have recently managed to crack on and get the engine back in the frame, front wheel rebuilt, rear brake properly set up on the right side as it should be. I fitted new Brembo calipers and bled the brakes, fitted a really nice fat back tire, adapted the seat to fit the frame which was lowered by the White Helmets, I also managed to make some new brackets to fit the short T140D front mudguard as the Harris one is not currently available.
I got some nice sixties side panels and some shorty peashooters, which I am hoping will sound good, all the switchgear is new Sparx and I got a used front master cylinder off fleabay.
I got the bike rewired by an electrician friend, as it was beyond my abilities, unlike the T100R which is way simpler.
All in all she is looking just the way I wanted, lets just hope she goes the way I wanted.
The last pic is of the bike in a van going to Reg Allens to check and fit the electric start bits and give it an MOT.
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Hi triumph david and Grandpaul,
Sorry to say that the electric start I am fitting is not an exciting new development, but rather the updated original as used on your TSS Grandpaul, with some strengthened gears and shafts.
I got hold of a new ES timing case and also an old one which came with the bike but was damaged, so I am transferring some of the old innards to the new case. I am also fitting a Pazon ignition which allegedly should limit some of the kickback issues.
I am fortunate to have Bill Crosby from Reg Allen doing the fitting as he is a expert on these Triumph starters, and also lucky that all the Harris bikes have the later strengthened cases and bush, although I am not sure how many (if any) Harris ES bikes were sold.
Thanks for your interest in my bike which I am looking forward to riding in the new year and will keep you posted on the electric start.

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