I have owned several Harleys, including the 2017 Street Glide Special I own now. This is a touring bike meant for long distance rides. I is supremely comfortable to ride, and has every bell and whistle I could ever want or need. I have owned and ridden just about every brand bike and just about all models; only the Honda Gold Wing comes close, but then the Gold Wing only comes in a two up model with a rear seat and thrunk that I neither want no need.
I own a hot rodded Triump T100 for when I want to ride fast in the mountains, but only for rides of an hour or less - it gets very uncomfortable on rides that are any longer. And yes, I do switch riding positions and I have a very nice sheared sheepskin seat cover that is comfortable and cool. I also have a CRF250 Honda for short, fun rides and its off road capability, but even with an aftermarket seat, its not for rides over half an hour.
The new 1750cc (107ci) Milwaukee 8 engine in the 2017 touring bikes is awesome; its far better than the twin cam 1680cc (103ci) engine that was in the 2016 touring bikes (I owned a 2016). The 107 is much stronger, quieter and runs cooler. The Anti-lock brakes are better, and the suspension is also much better, and the saddlebag attachments are vastly better.
My only complaint is the awkwardness in the parking lot caused by the weight (about 950 lbs. wet) and the lack of the reverse gear (Gold Wings have a reverse gear). However, once rolling, nothing compares to a Harley touring bike.
Yeah, they're expensive - $25 - $40K or more new, but they hold their value better than any other bike. In my area it helps tremendously that there are more Harley dealers in my area than any other brand, and just about every independent motorcycle service shop specializes in Harleys.
I saw a used Rocket in a Honda dealer's shop the other day that looked new and had only 1,800 miles on it - the dealer had $2,500 OBO on the tag. My buddy just bought the top of the line Star (Yamaha) bike with 8,000 miles for $3,500. Used non-Harleys of just about any brand, especially Harley clones, can be bought in my area, regardless of mileage or condition for under $5K.
I ride with several groups and very few of these riders have Harleys, but they all want one. The main reason they do not is the up front price.