Happy Halloween

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Still Rocking
Supporting Member
My friends know I like cats so one of them sent me this Halloween card.
Inside it reads "If it's worth doing...it's worth over-doing."

We don't really do it here but I enjoy seeing what others do for it.
It's not an event in many countries, but it certainly is a big deal over here.
I remember as a kid dressing up in goofy costumes and knocking on doors for treats.
Then, many years later, taking my own kids door-to-door for treats until they were big enough to go by themselves.

I was at a public business today and most of the staff were dressed in costumes and face paint.
It certainly made for a festive or party-like atmosphere with all the staff and customers smiling and enjoying the fun.
It's a bit of a rainy and showery day here, but I still expect to get some trick or treaters BGRIN
F#$% Halloween. Crashed on the lounge watching the boob tube after work and had brats bashing on the door all afternoon and night looking for fat pills (lollies\candy what ever) one of the little turds even had the hide to look in the window :cautious: and one was just about to open the door before a well timed P@# OFF :y49:. When I become PM I'm BANNING IT, vote 1 for Ferret and I'll even ban wankers from buying Triumphs and put em on HD skirtsters. I DON'T WANT HALLO-F#$KING-WEEN IN OZ.

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