Happy 70th Birthday

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70, is the new 50!
Happy many returns Carl, I'm not too far behind you and we are getting younger each year.

@otherwise Thanks much and you are spot on. TUP

Happy Birthday, Carl. Enjoy and get out and ride.

@Qship Thank you, Steve. Alas, this is the first time in over 20 years I have not taken a birthday ride. I am forbidden to ride even a bicycle due to two surgeries for a detached retina. I hope to be able to ride again soon.
@otherwise Thanks much and you are spot on. TUP

@Qship Alas, this is the first time in over 20 years I have not taken a birthday ride. I am forbidden to ride even a bicycle due to two surgeries for a detached retina.

Carl, I'm just catching up with your misfortune regarding your eye.
Long ago I had a serious eye injury resulting in a hyphema, 4 weeks on my back, only slow movement to and from the bathroom allowed :(, that was a long 4 weeks ... But I got over it just as you will and you'll bounce back better than ever.
Wow. Thanks, Kevin. I didn't have anytime flat on my back; but I did have two months where I could not read or use the computer. No bending, no lifting. Well, you know the drill; you have been there. I'm am glad to know that you fully recovered. I still cannot do any lifting. I can mow the yard and now work with hands. I am hoping for a good report tomorrow and a lessening of some of the restrictions.