"Handles" and Anonymity

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Someone enlighten me - why do we have 'handles' which I assume is to provide some level of anonymity when everyone has started calling each other by name??

I'm having a somewhat blonde moment so educate me.

Having a bark that's worse than my bite, I like to hide to behind a non-persona. That's mostly coz I'm a coward!:y2:
Someone enlighten me - why do we have 'handles' which I assume is to provide some level of anonymity when everyone has started calling each other by name??

I'm having a somewhat blonde moment so educate me.

Having a bark that's worse than my bite, I like to hide to behind a non-persona. That's mostly coz I'm a coward!:y2:

What? Your momma didn't name you Gromit? j/k

I think you pretty much answered your own question.
On most forums you just don't find this level of friendship so mostly you stick to a handle for privacy, however here things are a lot different as you can see. I tried to hide behind the handle of DaveM here but someone let the cat out the bag that my name is Dave :y13:
Obviously, I am not too concerned about privacy as I use my name in my handle. BGRIN I try to use "CarlS" on all of my forums. I don't have to remember handles and logins that way. Dave is right; we are family here - and that is refreshing.

I use DaveB or DaveB za on forums. Funnily enough my name is Dave :y16:.

Actually there's a story to that. I'm christened David. My parents called me both Dave & David, the latter usually when I was about to be told off! Anyway, both are fine by me (it's the best name in the whole world). Then I had a good buddy who'd been christened Dave (which is very rare). So our buddies called him Dave and me David to easily distinguish between us in conversation. No problem. In any case, I've been called plenty worse names :y6: over the years.

Oh yes, I always wear a mask when I go out in public:
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