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Greetings, and thank you for this forum. I bought my 2016 Street Twin in 2016, (manufactured in Hinckley), with 800 miles on it.
I’ve had 0 issues with it until today, and that’s why I’ve come to your forum. I’ve already enjoyed reading thru some of the topics.
As I tried making my first post, it asked for recipients. Do I look for specific people, topics, or other posts to put there?
Thanks again, Ron Ratterree
Hello and welcome to TT also from eastern Cabada BBEER
I'm not sure I understand the problem or can help, but if you click on forums (upper left) and scroll down to Modern Classics and then on Street Twin, you only need to title the thread and ask your questions.
Hi there and welcome to TT BBEER .... ye you just need to go to the forum area your interested in ( modern classics , street twin ) and start new thread with your problem .

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