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We found out Monday that my youngest son, Kyle has been selected for induction in the National Honor Society and will be inducted on Thursday, November 12, 2015. We, or at least I thought we were still awaiting word on his selection also for induction to the National English Honor Society. I was informed tonight that he found out two weeks ago that he had also been selected for induction in the NEHS. We should know in the next few weeks what his class ranking is. At the first of the year he was in the top 6 or 7% of his class and will get an automatic acceptance to any of the State of Texas colleges and universities of his choice. Kyle has also been notified by a couple private universities and a couple out of state universities that he has been accepted to their schools without even applying for admission, they had seen his ACT (American College Testing) test scores. Kyle was perfect in his English and Reading scores with near perfect scores in Math and Science.

The National Honor Society (NHS) is a nationwide organization in the United States and consists of many chapters in high schools. Selection is based on four criteria: scholarship, leadership, service, character. The national Honor Society requires some sort of service to the community, school, or other organizations. The projects help students meet the required service hour total monthly. The National Honor Society was founded in 1921 by the National Association of Secondary School Principals.

National Honor Society groups are commonly active in community service activities both in the community and at the school. Many chapters maintain a requirement for participation in such service activities.
National Honor Society - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

National English Honor Society (NEHS)
The National English Honor Society (NEHS), founded and sponsored by Sigma Tau Delta, is the only national organization exclusively for high school students and faculty who, in the field of English, merit special note for past and current accomplishments. Individual high schools are invited to petition for a local chapter, through which individuals may be inducted into Society membership. Immediate benefits of affiliation will be national recognition, scholarship eligibility, and opportunities for national networking with others who share enthusiasm for, and accomplishment in, the language arts.
National English Honor Society
Thanks for the kind words, I will pass them on to Kyle and Kim.

During his Freshman year of high school, Kyle never opened a book even with him taking Pre-Advanced Placement courses. He would turn in some of his work and just not do some of it or do it late and have an automatic 20 to 30% deducted from the grade. His daily scores and test scores were still high enough that he was always on the A/B Honor Roll all year and was just in the top 10% of his class. We tried everything we could think of to get him to put forth a little more effort, nothing seemed to work.

Right after the beginning of his Sophomore Year as I was doing the Parent Taught Drivers Ed course I comment one day as we were driving around that it was too bad he had screwed off during his Freshman Year and couldn't move up into the top two or three% or move up enough to be the class Salutatorian, much less the Valedictorian. His head snapped toward me and he said: "Dad, #1 in my class is an idiot!" And my comment back to him as I was shaking my head; "#1 is an idiot and you're #44."

The next night Kim commented that she was wondering what got into Kyle, he came straight home from marching band practice, took a shower and went to his room to study. I just grinned and said that he got slyly challenged yesterday and he has set his mind to prove me wrong. The challenge has paid off, he has moved up somewhere around 20 places and he has tested out of his "Core" Freshman classes and will start college taking Sophomore or advanced placement classes.
Today was/is National Redhead Day & Willis High School National Honor Society Induction Day.

As Larry The Cable Guy would say, "Get'R Done!"

More good news. Kyle has now heard from 3 of the 4 Universities he actually applied to.

We already know that he is guaranteed admittance to any State university he applies to but the University of Texas and Texas A&M does not guarantee he will actually get the college within their University that he applies for. At UT, the McComb School of Business and the Cockrell School of Engineering are two of the hardest schools in the State to get accepted for. At TA&MU, the Dwight Look College of Engineering is as competitive as UT's engineering school.

With that said, so far Kyle has been accepted into the mechanical engineering school at Colorado School of Mines, Texas A&M Dwight Look School of Emgineering, and the Baylor University School of Engineering and Computer Science. He is still waiting to hear if he he has been accepted into the University of Texas Cockrell School of Engineering.

Boys got some brains hidden under that heat.
You sure he is your boy Hemi ???? :y43:

Just kidding. THAT IS AWESOME a huge congrats to the young Man Smarter than Dad and better looking he will do JUST fine :y29:WINK
Good for him. Congrats!
My daughter starts University in the fall too. Bachelor of Sciences for her. Wants to dig up Dinosaurs eventually. This is the first step.
Big time in their life.
We'll be broke until we retire Hemi. FACE:baby:
Congrats guys TUP TUP
Nothing makes you prouder as a parent than when your kids are ambitious and doing well.
My two kids have multiple degrees and I was bursting with pride at every graduation ceremony.

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