Good Weekend Ahead

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First, the work issue that's had me climbing walls for 2 1/2 weeks and almost landed me in hospital has been successfully concluded and my client now thinks, in his words, I'm a 'rock star' - now they can pay my bill :y2:

That means I can close the office right now and celebrate with the team! :y6:

My son is on a swimming clinic with Olympic Champion, Penny Heyns, this weekend :y2:

We're going for a ride with friends on Sunday followed by lunch at a micro-brewery. It's their last ride in SA before returning to Canada long-term:y1:

And next weekend we're doing a RAT run to the Pilanesberg Private Game Reserve!!!:y2:

Sounds wonderful, Gromit. Congrats on the successful business project. Enjoy your weekend! TUP

Well done Margo and enjoy
BTW, no job is worth ending up in hospital for,so ease it up a bit, and live to enjoy the fruits of your labour
Thats enuff deep :shit: from me, have a great weekend.
You're all right - no job is worth my health - that's why I shut the office early yesterday and chilled.

BBC, the husband is originally from Canada, married a SA lady and now they're going back to Canada for about 5 years. Then they'll return to SA to enjoy retirement.

I can't take photos of the swimming clinic because I won't be there the whole day but I will take photos of tomorrow's ride (I'm pillion with Farside) and I will take photos of Pilanesberg - particularly if we see any of the big cats.
Well the girls duffed this one. On Saturday we had a huge storm and on Sunday morning the weather still looked pretty miserable. So the girls decided to change the plans to just a lunch amidst much grumbling and insistance that the weather would clear up. But oh no, we weren't having any of it. So lunch it was.
And a couple of hours later? The damn weather cleared up and we could've gone out anyway. So the girls are in the dog-box. Our only saving grace was that the lunch was excellent! :y5:
Aaah - finding the bright side :y2: Johannesburg has a big Chinatown community so that's where we went. Ginger crab was excellent! And even better, they're not licensed so you can take your own wine :y2:
Oh yes, Gromit is a girl alright (or should I say lady), and from her posts, a lady I would enjoy meeting TUP
The Canadian/South African connection is interesting.
We have many SA natives in Canada. In fact, my next door neighbour of about 25 years, is from SA and is a prof at one of the universities.
Gee guys - you're going to make me blush in a minute.

Rocky - I can assure you the feeling is mutual and thank for the compliment :y5:

Simon - luv you too! And that's major brownie points! Compliments get you everywhere :y2:
Has a GREAT weekend. Got in nearly 500 miles of riding, over the two days. SOme of it was pretty chilly (temp without wind chill ~45 degrees (F)), but my thermals kept me warm.

FWIW,here's a ringing endorsement for the"Freeze-Out" brand of thermals from Cycle Gear. Very reasonably priced and VERY GOOD. Kept me warm on the bike all weekend and when it got a little warmer, I was still comfortable. They run a little small, but they're a BARGAIN!
Rocky and Silli I agree, she seems like an amazing lady, I hope she maybe reads and replies to my travel thread about 2013, as I really would like to meet her.
I can't comment on her looks, having no idea what she looks like physically.....but I already know she is very beautiful inside!

Well for 92 she sure looks great BGRIN

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