Good morning

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Good morning on this COLD Southeast Texas Sunday morning, 44 DegF or 6.7 DegC.

View from my office window




Ok, so it's not cold compared to what AJ, Rocky and a few others would call cold but it was 90 DegF or 32 DegC at lunch a couple days ago.

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WOW, that's pretty cold for your area :y13:
Up here in the far reaches of the Great White North it was 0C (32F) this AM, but is up to 4C (39F) now, which will be about max for the day.
We're having a wind and rain nor'easter today so it won't warm up much more.
Predeictions for the week are sunny at 10-11C (50-52F) though.
Regardless, the last bike to be mothballed for the winter is the H***a and it will be done this week.
Yeah, I saw that pic. Not a pretty sight for this time of year. Really too early for snow, but......
The temp did come up to 7C (now at 1:30 PM here) so no fear of any snow for us.
Well we have been having lots of wind but then these are our windy months so we can expect it. The temps have been in the 20c but the wind makes it a bit colder. I have just been so busy these last few days with work and I am having to do a bit of painting inside the house. I see I have a load of post to play catchup on as well by the looks of it BGRIN
It was 44 F Saturday morning at sunup in NC. I went down the hill to my cousin's house and it was 42 F there. Later, at 10:00, it was 38 F at a friends house in Andrews, NC. On my way home, the highest temp I saw was was 64 F.

It is about 73 F here today at home.

Same here.

While in Ohio a couple or three years ago, everyone was talking about how hot it was, I was dang near freezing. There was idiots running around in wet bathing suits, I'm sure they were about to catch a deadly cold or die from hypothermia. If they thought that was hot, I'd hate to be there in the winter.

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Rocky, excessive heat (95F +) will get to me, too. I just don't ride during the heat of the day. However, if I am on the road and not in a city area, I can tolerate the heat. I can do so much more to cool down than I can do to to warm up and stay warm.

Rocky, excessive heat (95F +) will get to me, too. I just don't ride during the heat of the day. However, if I am on the road and not in a city area, I can tolerate the heat. I can do so much more to cool down than I can do to to warm up and stay warm.

In 1999 a buddy and I rode down to Sturbridge, Mass., to the annual Triumph Days rally weekend.
It was 97-98F both days and we nearly suffocated in the heat and humidity. It's was the hottest I ever experienced.
On Sunday afternoon as we headed north I was woozy and seemed to lack co-ordination in my riding.
I was dehydrated and didn't realize it until we stopped for supper and I gulped down many glasses of water.
I think the waitress thought I was crazy asking for so much water :y2:
When it get's up into the 80'sF here I generally stay in the shade. Only in some inland valley areas would it ever hit 90+F here.
Fortunately, I live right on the Atlantic Ocean and there is always a sea breeze so that's where we do most of our riding.
We usually have breeze in the summer here which really helps with the heat. I don't care much for 97 and 98 F weather either. But I do know to stay well hydrated. :y2: Our summer thunderstorms will lower the temp into the mid to upper 80's.


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