Go Big Or Go Home

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Go Big or Go Home seems to be the theme of Texas weather. We go thru a little dry spell and the whole state goes into drought conditions. So I buy a new bike and now the weather has turned to the other extreme. The whole state except for the El Paso area will be under Flash Flood Watch this afternoon thru Monday. Any rain in the state will be falling on saturated ground.

All this is bad and some areas are already flooded or flooding at this time. We are battling another issue at work.


Crews continued to work on the dam at Entergy’s Lewis Creek power plant cooling lake. With the continued rain and the water being held back the dam has weakened. In addition the saturation of the earthen dam has caused some places to weaken even more. Crews are bringing rock and dirt in to fortify the dam. In the areas that have already shown signs of weakness, they have covered with plastic in an attempt to stop the ground from becoming more saturated by rainfall.

A joint press release came out minutes ago outlining the situation:

The dam surrounding the reservoir at the Lewis Creek Power Station near Willis continues to hold with no seepage or breaches. Workers are continuing to make repairs to areas where persistent heavy rains have caused the dam’s soil to become saturated to the point of sloughing off. According to San Jacinto River Authority, the issues concerning Entergy’s dam will have no impact on the Lake Conroe Dam. Montgomery County, however, will be sending first responders to give notifications to specific neighborhoods that fall within an area of concern (see attached map) related to the ongoing repair work to the Entergy Lewis Creek Dam. Those neighborhoods are: Pelican Bay, Lakeside Place, Point Aquarius, Lake Conroe Hills, Walnut Cove, Lake Conroe Bay, Shadow Bay, Country Run, Enchanted Waters, and Bishop’s Landing. Entergy Texas, Inc. officials note that a dam failure remains only a possibility. But the company has committed to take every possible step to prevent failure. Additional workers have been brought in to make repairs. Continued rainfall is the greatest threat to completing repairs. To address the potential for rainfall this weekend and into next week, more than eight acres of protective covering is being installed to shield affected areas of the dam. Steps are also underway with the addition of berms, including one of crushed concrete and lime which, when added to the toe of the levee, will stabilize the soils and prevent further slides. The reservoir level continues to be lowered to ease pressure on the dam and it is being monitored by geotechnical engineers who are on site around the clock. At this time, Entergy is reducing the water level of the lake to reduce the stress being applied to the dam. Entergy repair crews are also taking measures to prevent further dam deterioration. Emergency Management, Law Enforcement, Fire, and EMS met with Entergy officials this morning to discuss planning and response efforts that may be necessary pending any further deterioration of the dam. We encourage all citizens of Montgomery County to sign up for Code Red Emergency Alerts in order to receive all County emergency notifications. Citizens can sign up for Code Red by visiting our website Montgomery County OEM and clicking on the code red icon. Press releases and status updates can be found at Montgomery County OEM or Entergy Texas, Inc. | The Power of People Entergy will open a customer information center at 08:00 a.m. tomorrow at the North Montgomery Community center: 600 Gerald Street Willis 77378. A representative will be on hand to meet with customers who need further information. For general information please call The United Way 211 call center or 713-957-4357.

EVACUATIONS POSSIBLE - Montgomery County Police Reporter

Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office, Precinct 1 Constables Office and North Montgomery County Fire Department are in the area of Lewis Creek handing out literature to residents in case of an evacuation. T


They are simply telling people in the area of the yellow circle to be prepared for evacuation if it is needed. This meaning have important phone numbers, medication, and medical documents ready to go. Also any additional preparations you may wish to make just in case. Make sure your vehicle is fueled and phones charged. Do not drive into any high water if you do have to leave.

Crews continue to fortify the dam and water is still being released.

The Office of Emergency Management has closed for the night and we have been unable to get any further details beyond the press release and what the officers are currently handing out.

The National Weather Service is predicting additional rainfall from 4 to 6 inches between now and the middle of next week.

Worried residents keeping eye on dam in Conroe
click photo and it will take you to the video

There is a new concern about flooding near Lake Conroe. Officials are warning the Lewis Creek Reservoir may not hold up


Friday, May 22, 2015 10:24PM
With an increased chance of storms this weekend, there is a new concern about flooding near Lake Conroe. Officials are warning the Lewis Creek Reservoir may not hold up.

A plastic covering has been placed to keep more rainfall from falling on the dam and deteriorating it further. There is concern that it could fail.

Crews from Entergy Texas are working to shore it up, pouring more soil on the dam to strengthen it. They're not only worried about more water, but also that pressure from water inside the reservoir will further damage it, so they're letting water out on the other side.

The main concern is flooding, especially more rain expected this weekend. Residents say they don't know what to do if the dam breaks.

Entergy Texas and the Office of Emergency Management say there's nothing to worry about, but residents near the dam say they're not getting information about the dam and its state.

Late Friday afternoon, automated phone messages were sent, and Montgomery County deputies provided notices to ten neighborhoods south of the Lewis Creek Reservoir dam, that their communities are targeted for a potential evacuation should the dam fail.

The neighborhoods include: Pelican Bay, Lakeside Place, Point Aquarius, Lake Conroe Hills, Walnut Cove, Lake Conroe Bay, Shadow Bay, Country Run , Enchanted Waters, and Bishop's Landing.

Ken and Helen Ryall have a waterfront home. Tonight, the couple was packing up what was most important, in case their worst fear was realized.

"I'm taking my daughter's ashes and pictures of her first of all, " she said. "That's what's most important to us."

Others were collecting important documents and keepsakes, just in case.

And at the Bed, Bath and Biscuit kennel, which neighbors the reservoir, two employees are staying the night, and presumably the weekend should the flooding possibility continue.

"We just don't know what it would be like," said Dawn Burden. The kennel has more than a hundred pets boarding for the long holiday weekend. She's considering calling emergency contacts for the pets, and putting them on standby.

"We don't know if it would be a wall of water, or something slow. I guess we'll have to buckle down and wait and see."

Link to an additional news report and video
Entergy: Crews working to repair dam at Lewis Creek Reservoir | News - Home

When I left the plant at 0510 this morning all was still good but rains are headed this way today and tonight.
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We're a bit busy round here, thought I would just pop in to say: I survived the Dam Weekend, and so did the dam.

I'll try to get back on line shortly but now we have to undo some of what we did over the weekend, more on that later.

Just I thought I would leave you with these bits of wisdom.



My ride home this morning.
Finally a day off to try and recover from the weekend. . . and to make matters worse. . . the sun is shining after the morning fog lifted. But too bad I'm still to wore out to try and ride. With my physical abilities and the areas that are still covered with flood waters, I just don't think it would be very safe to try and ride.

There was a police chase in Houston today, a little different than they normally are. . .

LEO Chase.jpg

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