Bonneville T100
Went riding yesterday. Had another first. The front caliper locked up. The lever was as tight as a tick and would not release. It had the front wheel locked up so tight it would not roll. I had a small open end wrench and was able to open the bleeder valve and as soon as I relieved the pressure the front caliper opened up freeing the wheel. After the pressure was off I could squeeze the lever and create a squirting flow of fluid until all the fluid was gone. At first I thought that the problem was in the master cylinder barrel assembly but after the initial pressure was released it functioned fine. Then my thought that the caliper was the problem, but it seems to me that the caliper would not have released so easily if it was the problem. I have a new barrel so I am thinking about replacing the old one and rebuilding the caliper. I rebuilt the barrel a couple of years ago honing the barrel out and replacing the inside components. I still think it is the barrel components not retracting back into the barrel holding the lever closed when I released it. That perhaps the spring broke, but then again it functioned fine when I was pumping the fluid ot. Of course that was an unloaded condition. However, I am still curious as to what created this problem since all I have are guesses and no concrete proof. As you can see I am all full of questions and possible solutions but the reality is I don't have a clue. Until I open up the barrel and take the caliper apart I will not know anything and even then I may not find anything wrong because eveything may look fine, but we all know that looks are deceiving. Anyone ever experience this? What are your thoughts?