From the shop . . . Wood shop

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With all the time I seem to have on my hands lately with this practice retirement I'm taking (lock-down, stay at home orders, quarantine, or whatever you want to call it), I've been playing in my shop, my wood shop mostly. I've done a few things prior to the 'rona scare to my truck and have a few more farkle jobs to do to it and the Tiger. With that all in mind I thought I would do a shop happening thread. Some were in my "The End Is Near" thread but instead of keeping that one going since it got away from my original post. . . And yes, I was the one that headed down that rabbit hole. BGRIN

I was trying to learn a new to me video editor so I grabbed a video in the shop of a special pen I was turning. I have 3 pieces of the Houston Astros Bullpen Bench @ Minute Maid Park from the 2017 World Series and I was working on one of the pens I'll be turning from it. Here's the video.

And some photos of the finished pen, the most expensive pen I've ever turned up to this date.






Simply amazing stuff hemi TUP TUP

Thanks Rocky, I appreciate it.

You do fantastic work! Great video and superb craftsmanship. TUP

Thanks Carl, I appreciate it.

Some beautiful craftsmanship there.
Glad you are using your spare time creatively.

Thanks Q, I'm spending as much time in the shop as possible learning new techniques and skills.

H, you did good again, that ball park pen was a good idea, very nice!

Thanks T, that pen has gotten more comments than my others.

I love these pens and seeing how you do them. In a past life I did woodwork and enjoyed it but now I don't have the tools or the space.

Thanks Dave. I'm looking to enlarge my shop, well actually looking at getting a new one somewhere else in Texas, the tools have taken over my spacae and I can't get to all of them. I want to get into casting my own blanks so I can do custom one of a kind pens.
Tony you can tell you've retired ...... you've gone ballistic in the wood shop and making more money now than you did when you were working !!!! BGRIN
8 more days till I retire, still on vacation right now. BBEER

My boss called me Monday wanting to know if I could work if one of the shift leads gets the virus. They were checking with me and one other that recently retired to make sure they would have coverage if the fecal matter hit the rotating air movement contraption.

Actually I'm spending more money than making it right now. BGRIN
Beautiful craftsmanship. I bought 3 bullet pencils lat year last year and have been very pleased with them. One was for me and one each for my two sons.

But I have to say these examples are spectacular in comparison.
Finally, I successfully turned a pen for my D-I-L. Every time I've tried it in the past I've had blow outs and wasted a pen due to a complete failure caused by the blow out.

Grape Soda 3.jpg

Grape Soda 5.jpg

Grape Soda 12.jpg

And this one took a little "digging" BGRIN And I delivered it this morning when I went out to the plant to be terminated.

20 Skull 1c.jpg

20 Skull 1d.jpg

20 Skull 1a.jpg

20 Skull 1b.jpg

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