Do you mean The Seeker instead of Dave?
I don't know if that's a certainty or not. Having been weened on mostly dirt bikes, I find using a foot on occasion increases least psychologically. I don't use this on the road much at all however. Of course, as a throwback to my dirt bike days, I'll catch myself sometimes beginning to stand up on my pegs too....almost like a "trials" rider does.
But Steve's problem is most mental and having a foot skimming the ground lends itself to "feeling" like he's ready to catch the bike before it topples to one side or another. Plus, I'm only talking about doing this at extremely low speed from a dead stop and only to begin with. Once he feels a bit more comfortable making the U-Turn using his feet like training wheels, he can slowly begin to lift those feet up and onto the pegs.
I don't think there is any definitive right or wrong way, but more "whatever works for you" type of deal.