Among the Father's Day pics that Sheryl posted on FaceBook was one of her graduation from the United States Military Academy at West Point. Pictured are me, Sheryl and Trey (my oldest son).
At the time of the graduation, Trey was in Army basic training at Ft Knox, Kentucky. Trainees are lower than whale manure and have precious few privileges. Leaving post is rare during basic training. As a sergeant major, I called the post command sergeant major of Ft Knox. Properly identifying myself, I told him my son was in basic training and that his sister was graduating from West Point. I asked him would it be possible for Trey to get a pass and attend. I told him I would be responsible for Trey. Trey could fly to Newark, NJ on Friday and I would pick him personally, drive him to West Point for the graduation on Saturday, and personally take him back to Newark on Sunday for his return flight.
The CSM told me that Trey should attend the graduation. He said that I needed to make the request to Trey's company commander (captain). He told me that he would make a couple of calls and get back to me me ASAP. I assume that he advised his boss, the the post commanding general, and called both the training battalion commander and the company commander. One has to use the chain of command to keep everyone in the loop.
Keep in mind that the post CSM represents the post commanding general and when he calls down the chain, it is just like the general calling. If the post CSM thinks something is a good idea, it is the same as the commanding general saying something is a good idea.
Ten minutes later, the CSM called me and told me to call Captain XXXX, company commander, and make my request formal. He gave me the phone number and told me the captain was standing by for my call. I immediately called the captain and he was happy to grant my request. Trey was the top trainee in the comapny anyway. He told me that the company would make Trey's travel arrangements and take him to the airport and pick him up. Trey told me that the company first sergeant and the battalion CSM both inspected his dress uniform and made sure it was perfect.
When we arrived at West Point on Saturday for the graduation, Trey, as a trainee private, was the lowest ranking person on the entire post. At the reception following the graduation ceremony, we passed through a receiving line. The commanding general of West Point and his wife were at the head of the receiving line. Following protocol Sheryl formally introduced us to the general. He chatted with me a couple of minutes and spent five minutes chatting with Trey asking him where he undergoing basic training, what week he was in, etc.
General officers are usually surrounded by strap hangers, officers vying for the general's attention. After the receiving line and the mandatory welcome speeches, it was time for the socializing. There were a couple of full colonels and a lt colonel wanting to speak with the general, a 3 star. The general came across the room, sought out Trey and spent at least 20 minutes talking with him - much to the agitation of the strap hangers. I thought it was funny.