Sorry, I can not anymore. 1 generation installation is already done.
I can operate lights with that switcher (even as I have connected these led-lights directly to battery).
As/if the lights are off-state. Then ...
1. push (upper lamp picture) will give a short beam yellow light
2. push (upper lamp picture) will give long beam white light
3. push (upper lamp picture) will give yellow light and white light together
4. push (upper lamp picture) will give again a short beam yellow light (and so on ... this goes around)
1. push (lower ''light'' picture) will give a strobe light action ... using white light ... the both lamps will flash/blink same time/same ways.
2. pus (lower ''light'' picture will give another strobe light action .... using white light ... first left light will blink 3 times, then right light will blink 3 times, then again left light ... and so on.
3. push (lower ''light'' picture) will again give that 1 strobe action ... white light ... both lamps will flash/blink same time. And so on. This also goes around.
A long push of lower ''light'' picture will close/shut down the lights.
Switcher has a green mark light (as the lights are on). If the stobe light model is used that green light will blink/flash as well.