It looks like the economy of every country is tanking right now, thanks in no small part to our wonderful mis-managed financial institutions here in the US.
I'll tell you good folks, between the upcoming Presidential election, the economy failing as it is, and the fact that a group of bone-headed co-workers of mine trying to get a Labor Union in place at my job (we have a Union vote on October 22), I am about as stressed out as I have ever been in my life. I have been at my job for over 23 years now, I make a comfortable living that allows me to not live paycheck to paycheck, I have a nice home in the country, most of the toys I could ever want, and it feels like it could all go away at any time now. The sad thing is, quite a few of the people I have worked with for years can not see it, they think this Union is going to come in and make them rich. Morons! We stand to lose more than we could gain, especially in light of the current world economy.
Life, really and truly, is unfair. I took the next couple of days off from work just to get away from the B.S., I need to go for a long ride now. Sorry for the rant.