I try to slow down and let the tailgater pass. I'm no match for an angry cager!
I’d do the same. I have means of protection for being attacked, but there’s not too many good ways to handle a fight with a vehicle. I really don’t like the idea of being tailgated so I try avoid really busy highways where my options would be limited.I try to slow down and let the tailgater pass. I'm no match for an angry cager!
Unfortunately here in Southeast Florida, it is impossible to avoid busy highways if you plan to go anywhere. I do.try to pick the less crowded routes.I’d do the same. I have means of protection for being attacked, but there’s not too many good ways to handle a fight with a vehicle. I really don’t like the idea of being tailgated so I try avoid really busy highways where my options would be limited.
Love it!I agree, its nuts to take on a cage with a bike. Plus these days even self defense gets you arrested.
Years ago I am riding with a friend who is a large man. A Jag convertible is in front of us, the driver tosses his cigar and it hits me in the chest. Next stop sign I pull up on the drivers side, my buddy on the passenger side. I say , hey man that was stupid , not only did it hit me you could start a fire. His reply was FU. Before I got my kickstand down my fellow rider reaches across , grabs the fool by by his hair and punches him right on the nose. We rode off and I did not say a word about it...LOL