Hey Vegas, I understand perfectly about having the bike laid over at a bad angle on a hill. I had thought I was pretty smart with my bikes: every one of them I (gently) laid down in my driveway, on blankets, and made sure I knew how to pick them up by myself.
That was all great until one day my foot slipped in some gravel at the bottom of a hill/driveway, after gassing up (extra weight). I was riding my original 2013 Bonnie. I swear I could hear the bike say, "Really? REALLY??" as it just laid down.
No problem, says I. Hopped clear of the bike, mortified, of course, and tried to pick it up -- nothing. Couldn't even budge it. WTH? It just wasn't happening. Fortunately there were some landscape guys in a truck right near me. They were lifesavers and hustled over to help me out. But it took 3 of them to right the bike.
After that episode, I watched some dirtbike videos on YT about how to pick up your bike on a hill. The problem with using their technique is that generally it seemed to require that you spin the bike, pivot it around until you're lifting it with gravity helping you. But the idea of using my beautiful purple fairing as a pivot point was too much to even think about, LOL.
So I feel for you with the bike being down like yours was!