I was stranded today. I rode my T120 to a burger joint and after a 30 minute stay, I attempted to leave. I inserted and turned the key in the bike, the needles did their sweep across the dials like normal, and then when I hit the starter button, the dials went dark, like the bike had no electical current. The starter did not do anything. I had a wrecker take me home and I put the bike back on the charger, after about 4 hours I tried again. Same thing happened. I inserted the key and turned it, the needles swept across the dials, I hit the starter button and the dials went dark. Nothing happened. The starter did not engage, or click or do anything. I have a Antigravity brand 360 amp lithium battery that I installed about 18 months ago and I keep the battery on a charger designed for a lithium battery. The lights on the lithium battery charger indicate it has a full charge. I have made two trips to West Texas and in all that time, the bike ran fine. Any ideas ??? Dean Kelly