I spoke to Ozzie yesterday and the bike is ready to come home. My wife has never been to Lancaster, PA so we are going to make a trip of it. Sort of a vacation. We will leave out Fri. afternoon (April 29) and will drive to Troutville, VA (Roanoke, VA area) to spend the weekend with very close friends (He loves going to flee markets and because he is a contractor who basically is doing home repair and remodeling because in our economy people are fixing up rather than building new homes, he is able to find a lot of things he uses in his business at these flee markets. I enjoy going to them as well. He is a motorcycle riders as well but along the way he was influenced to buy a HD and has never experienced the thrill of owning and riding a Triumph). On Sunday we will make the 5 hour trip to Lancaster, PA where we will sight see for a couple of days. I will pick the bike up on Wed. morning and we will make the 7 hour trip back home. My special 100th post will have a report on these improvements as well as close up pictures of what was done. To answer The Seekers question: No, the bike had a regular stock front master cylinder reservoir but Ozzie makes a rectangle one to replace this stock part.It is the same type that Honda, BMW, etc. uses. I certainly look forward to this trip for many reasons. First I need a vacation. We look forward to seeing close friends. We visit or they visit evry 3 months. I get to see and spend time with Ozzie who is a great guy and is a wealth of knowledge in many areas. He makes and sells a great product. Last but not least I get to bring my bike back home and will once again be able to enjoy her with just a push of the button. I am missing a local car/truck show which is held on April 30. My bike is the only one they invite to be on display every year, so it was difficult to have to inform them that neither of us will be there this year. Hopefully next year I will be able to take the bike as well as enter my restoration work in progress 1953 Chevy truck. So, until May 4 or 5 (when I will post no. 100) take care and keep posting. Triumph Talk is no. 1 as far as I am concerned. Great forum and great people. I am sincere when I say that.