I have eaten rattlesnake, raccoon, opossum, armadillo and iguana.
I've got an award winning opossum recipe that's guaranteed to make everyone love opossum and be wanting it everytime I cook.
Soak a 2x10 length of red oak plank in water or beer, be sure and place a weight on the plank so it doesn't float and add water or beer to cover the plank
Take one large opossum, prepare it for cooking.
Fire up the BBQ
Once the BBQ reached 250 DEGF it is ready
Remove the oak plank from the soak
Place the opossum on the oak plank
Be sure and save the remaining water or beer as you will use it to baste the opossum to make sure the oak plank does not catch on fire
Cook at 250 for 12 hours
Remove the oak plank and opossum from the BBQ
Throw the opossum in the garbage
Slice and serve the oak plank, it should be plenty greasy after having that opossum sitting on top of it for 12 hours, if it is too greasy to eat, place back on the BBQ to help cook off some of the grease