It's funny how I stick to the speed limits in my car, but have no problem going over the limit on my bikes
I'm really somewhere between "only when it's safe" and "most of the time."
I don't push it, but I like to ride fast when the conditions are right - and that often means above the posted limits.
I try and stick to the limit as best as I can, but I do go over now and again. I just don't fancy the £££ going out the door and the points on the license and the resulting insurance costs the following year.
I must say, I exceed the posted limits very infrequently. It used to be almost always, and my former driving record is highly illustrative of that! I haven't had a speeding ticket on my record in over 10 years now.
Those be the ones
Long gone are my hooligan days so "over the limit" for me is not much more than 15-20% over.
The maximum speed here on the four-lanes is 110 kph (69 mph) and there are lots of highway radar patrols so you have to be careful.
On the side roads where I ride mostly the maximum is 90 kph (54 mph). I'm more cautious on those roads because of the twists and turns and blind corners.
Those roads are about fun, not speed.
mmmm only when it is safe, mostly on the open road
In traffic I never go faster than the flow of traffic coz drivers just don't expect or
look out for anything going faster than the flow.
In town or built up areas I go the speed limit and will only go over the limit to get
past or out of the way situations
I do love speed but getting busted over 160km in this country means arrest on the spot
You do not want to be put inside a jail in RSA uhhh uhhhh especially not a woman uhhh uhhh
I ride the speed limit in towns and built up areas so as not get surprised by a driver not paying attention and pulling out in front of me or cutting me off. On the highways, I usually run 10-15 KPH over to avoid some driver crawling up my butt and tailgating me.
Every vehicle seems to have a certain speed that's its own sweet spot. On my T100 Bonneville its 75-80 mph on the local mountain roads with 55 mph speed limits. On the same roads with my HD Superglide 50-55 mph feels right and on my Honda 250 dual sport 45-50 feels good. I use a top of the line Bel radar detector in all of my 4 wheel vehicles (especially in my 185mph Corvette), and as a result I haven't had a speeding ticket in over 25 years.
I now live about 80 miles from work (passing through about 10 small towns on two lane roads) and at the speed limit it would take at least 2 hours each way; I do it in my 2015 Tahoe LTZ in about 1:25 each way.
Invest about $400 in a exceptional radar detector and speed without fear of tickets.
Top speed wise I have slowed down a lot but now I find myself having more fun by sticking as close to the speed limit as I can through the bends - Advisory speed signs pfffftttt
I've just had my license back after a photo update on it and it came back clean , I had two speeding fines 1( 72mph in a 60mph zone 3 points and £60 fine . 2( 98.8 mph in a 70mph zone 5 points and £250 fine .
But I'm all clean now ! For how long I don't know ?
Never on the west coast here in BC especially Vancouver! WAAAY too many crappy car drivers that target Bikes! pas on the right in the emergency lane where you pull over for a flat...and just plain tailgate the sh*t out of you. So nope never.
I exceeded the speed limit today in my 1.6 liter KIA SOUL!!!!!!!!!!!! Took me 15 minutes to accelerate ABOVE the speed limit but BY GOD I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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