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Leonard Nimoy, who was not a scientist by any means but played one on TV, once ran into some real scientists from CalTech who talked to him as if he were a fellow researcher. He didn’t know what they were talking about, so whenever they asked him what he thought about their work, he just...

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Reminds me of the story about Gilligan's Island when people would ring up and ask "why don't they just send a rescue ship" :LOL:

If you want to better understand something, argue with yourself about it. Imagining and exploring different sides of an argument gives you a more sophisticated insight, because you’re likely to link more problems and solutions, find more criticisms, and gain a deeper knowledge of both your own views, and opposing ones. (Source, Source 2, Source...

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You have to take a quiz before you’re allowed to leave a comment on the website NRKbeta. The Norwegian news site requires commenters to display a basic understanding of an article before they can give their opinion on it. The goal is to discourage uninformed “rant modes” and foster more productive, positive, and educated conversations...

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Asking someone if they’re suicidal doesn’t make them more likely to attempt suicide. The Crisis Text Line analyzed 75 million texts and found the best way to ask is by using a compassionate approach and explicitly mentioning care and concern for the person’s safety, which made them twice as likely to feel LESS suicidal. (Source,...

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The first item ever listed on eBay was a broken laser pointer that sold for $14.83. When the buyer, Mark Fraser, was contacted to make sure he knew it was broken, his reply was “I’m a collector or broken laser pointers.” (Source, Source 2)

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You don’t swallow 8 spiders a year in your sleep. It’s so unlikely for a spider to crawl into your mouth at night that there’s no formal medical or scientific record of it ever actually happening. Spiders get most of the information about their surroundings through vibrations – so your snoring, breathing, and heartbeat usually...

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For over 50 years, the sugar industry has funded research that minimizes its negative impact on health. The University of San Francisco found evidence that in 1965, Harvard scientists were paid to blame cardiovascular disease entirely on saturated fat and not sugar. According to USF researchers, studies were reviewed before being published, “the investigators knew...

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For over 50 years, the sugar industry has funded research that minimizes its negative impact on health. The University of San Francisco found evidence that in 1965, Harvard scientists were paid to blame cardiovascular disease entirely on saturated fat and not sugar. According to USF researchers, studies were reviewed before being published, “the investigators knew...
Just as I expected...
Years ago I cut way back on sugar and salt and carefully read the labels of packaged/canned food I buy.
Whenever I bake I cut the sugar in a recipe by half. The same with salt - or leave it out altogether.
My cooking and baking tastes a bit bland, but I'm the only one eating it BGRIN

Rap battles have been around since the 5th century. ‘Flyting’ was a ritual where two people competed by exchanging insults in poetic verse, much like modern, freestyle battles between rappers. The insults were often provocative, and people accused each other of cowardice and sexual perversion. (Source, Source 2, Source 3)

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Mary Shelley’s favorite keepsake was her dead husband’s heart. After Percy Shelley’s death, the Frankenstein author kept his heart – carrying it with her for almost 30 years until she died in 1851. A year later, it was then found in a desk drawer, wrapped in a copy of one of his final poems. (Source,...

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Sad, angry, jealous, and guilty feelings can make you a healthier person. Figuring out the reason for your negative emotions and learning from unpleasant experiences makes you stronger, and that success can bring happiness- but when you suppress and ignore negative emotions, you eliminate the balance of good and bad. Because the contrast of feeling...

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You can’t usually smell your own house (or perfume) because of a survival instinct called ‘olfactory adaptation.’ The brain is always looking for new, unusual, or changing smells as a sign of possible danger, so it ignores all the smells that have already become familiar. (Source, Source 2, Source 3)

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