Crocodile infestation

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A school rugby field infested with crocs; should make the rucks & mauls.... er.... er interesting! :y4:

Imagine tripping over or even being tackled by a flat dog. :y2: Character building stuff.

If it helps us beat the All Blacks some time in the future I'm all for it!
well it must be a culture thing coz we say .......were up to our necks in IT ! what is IT ? you ask ...well IT can be anything*t, p*ss, water, and the mot common one dept :y2:
Hard to comprehend that as over here we have nothing that will try to eat you bar the odd shark, which is why as long as the sharks dont drink in the pub,I wont swim in the sea.

Interesting considering just across the lake you mates have plenty of crocs to share.

Now as far as not having anything that will eat you we have a whole list of those our side.

Africa's Most Dangerous Animals

I will add these to the above list

Wild dog
Spotted Hyena
NZ is on a parallel with the southern parts of Australia and therefore no crocks. Most people don't realise just how far south NZ is, check a map out.
So does the Southern Part of Australia not have croc then ? Yeah I know it is far but just thinking about it crocs date back to the prehistoric times and seeing that SA and AUS have them I just would have thought that NZ would have them.

I found this A small fossil crocodile from Central Otago, New Zealand

I also found this ROTFL

[h=2]Resolved Question[/h] Show me another »
[h=1]Are there Crocodiles/Alligators in New Zealand?[/h] I want to move to New Zealand but I am terrified of crocodiles and alligators. I know they are in Australia, which is why I ruled it out. Are there any in New Zealand?


[h=2]Best Answer - Chosen by Voters[/h] No crocodiles or alligators in NZ. In fact there are no poisonous or bitey critters at all (except for the occasional angry sheep).

  • 5 years ago
Don't worry about the NZ angry sheep.
Don't worry about the Aust crocks ... check this map.

red arrow top of NZ
blue arrow Harry
green cross me
black line, top to bottom approx 4,000km
pink bit on the north coast = crock country

crock map.png
Well they sure found a great river to get lose into.

On another note looking for news items on these crocs I came across this one :y13: :y10:


Chantal Beyer and her husband Sven Fouche, left, pose for a photograph with rhinos at the Aloe Ridge Nature Reserve near Johannesburg South Africa last weekend. Just after the photo was taken, the closest rhino attacked Beyer and its horn penetrated Beyer's chest from behind, resulting in a collapsed lung and broken ribs.

Attack by rhino spoils honeymoon

Video interview
Wow I did not realize that your crocs are only found at the top end. I always thought the salt water ones were found all along the coast, just learned something new today TUP

Other than in a zoo the nearest one to me is about 1,500km and that's a bit too close according to Kevin. :y15:
I just did a search and it looks like we had 2 TWO known deaths from crocks last year, and about 4 people bitten. I have to say if you get bitten and not die it's because the crock was telling you to pi*s off.

DaveB, I've decided to not swim in the Limpopo River for a while.
Well the game ranger should be taken out for allowing this but I agree no ways no matter what anyone tells me do I get close to big animals if I don't know for a fact that they are not dangerous

Other than in a zoo the nearest one to me is about 1,500km and that's a bit too close according to Kevin. :y15:
I just did a search and it looks like we had 2 TWO known deaths from crocks last year, and about 4 people bitten. I have to say if you get bitten and not die it's because the crock was telling you to pi*s off.

DaveB, I've decided to not swim in the Limpopo River for a while.

When you look at the question asked by that person about the croc in NZ it starts you thinking. Does she think even in a country with crocs that they walk down the streets. The only crocs I have ever seen have been at a croc farm a zoo, However I think I will also not be swimming in the Limpopo River soon :y2:
Does she think even in a country with crocs that they walk down the streets.

I told a woman on another forum some years back that when I was a kid I rode a kangaroo to and from school and we had a roo holding yard next to the sports grounds. She was very impressed. Some mothers do have um.

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