Compatibility of T120 cylinder heads

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Hello All,

Looking for your help,

Have just bought a 1970 T120, the Cylinder head at some point in its life has been impacted in the combustion chamber rendering it scrap.
Having looked without success for a 1970 head, i can find many 1967, 65 and others although i read the following (1969 through last production in 1972 . No cylinder head application to earlier series pushrod tubes and tappet blocs. This is because of deeper machining at the upper pushrod tube position to any earlier series of tappet guide blocs and pushrod tubes)
Im guessing that any head earlier than 69 wont fit as there are no push rod tubes made with later bottoms and earlier tops.

Is it possible to fit a 67 barrels, tappet bloc,push rods and tubes to a 1970 set of crank cases or is there further differences in con rod/stoke

Im sure someone out there has come across this before and understands what will and wont work. Or slimmer possibly where i could get a 1970 head

Would very much apresiate any insite as this will save me a lot of time and effort importing parts on a trail and error bases.



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