The dealer may be wrong on the date. everything i read said late june, then when i called triumph to ask about that picture i asked about the date and they told me same thing. So in th U.S. it's supposed to be here late june. But as much as i'm looking forward to it i would never put money down on a bike i haven't seen, and preferably ridden. i bought my speedy w/o a test ride but thats because i had no bike license. But at least i'd seen it and read all about it on the forums from the people who had them. I also worry about it being a new model. That is another consideration that will figure into my decision, and theres a good chance i will end up with my 2nd speedmaster instead then wait a year or 2 and see how the Tbird fares. It all rides on just how floored or not i am with the Tbird.