I think my co-workers are jealous, they turned a little green at lunch today. They were jealous because I had a big o'plate of White Trash Quesadillas and they didn't. From their comments I got the feeling they have never had them before. But what should I expect from a city boy and a Hispanic 24 year old electrical engineer that graduated from the University of Texas. UT or TU, depending on what part of the state your from, isn't known for its engineering program but we like having her working with us and it ain't for her engineering degree.
Another engineer walked into The Center, stopped and asked, "What's that smell?" Both of them pointed at me and said, "His lunch!"
Well I won't be offering them some of my lunch again when I have White Trash Quesadillas again. Their loss is my gain.
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Another engineer walked into The Center, stopped and asked, "What's that smell?" Both of them pointed at me and said, "His lunch!"
Well I won't be offering them some of my lunch again when I have White Trash Quesadillas again. Their loss is my gain.
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