The other day I went for a short ride, about nine miles. At the end of the ride at a stop I had difficulty getting it into first gear. It happened twice. At home I started reading up on checking the free play. Today I went to look everything over and as I sat on the bike I put it on so I could see the lights. Tried getting into first and it wouldn’t go. Worked the clutch lever adjuster and it seemed to go into gear. I turned it on and the minute I put it into first with the clutch lever pulled in it stalled. Fooled around with it some more and at one point the neutral light wasn’t coming on even when the bike was obviously in gear. Anyway, very perplexing and I wanted y’all’s thoughts on what I should look into. I don’t know if my fiddling made it worse or what. I’m not really clear how the free play works and at this point which place I should adjust first. Looks like the shift lever adjustment is already pretty far out. Here’s a few pics close to what it was before fiddling. I only tried adjusting the hand shift lever.
Y’all’s thoughts appreciated. I’m hoping I don’t have to start opening covers yet. Could a switch be faulty or is it clutch adjustment or other?
Y’all’s thoughts appreciated. I’m hoping I don’t have to start opening covers yet. Could a switch be faulty or is it clutch adjustment or other?