Saturday morning, we had a PGR mission for a Korean War and Viet Nam US Navy veteran. The funeral home is located between two one way boulevards. I missed the left turn into the funeral home and went about 3/4 of a mile to a traffic light to make a U-turn. At this point the road is a standard divided four lane road. Heading back west the road comes to a small lake and the west bound lanes separate with a curve to the right and then a curve to the left. The the turn in to the funeral home is about 1/4 mile after the the curve to the left. The speed limit is 40 mph; traffic was light.
I turned on my left blinker and and checked my mirror; there were no cars in sight. Three PGR members were standing in the funeral home entrance way flagging me in. All at once they started waving frantically and shouting. I was in my turn. I heard brakes lock up and looked to my right to see a car skid sideways past me. I could literally have reached out and touched the car. If I had not been turning let, I would have been hit hard. She was doing at least 50 mph when she went by me in the slide. She let up on her brakes and got her car straightened out and zoomed on off.
The guys said when I started my slow down, there was no car in sight. They saw her come around the curve and estimated her speed at 60 + mph. She was texting and did not see me until the last split second. They said she missed my rear fender by less than 9 inches. One of them told me if I had had my saddle bags on, she would have hit the bag on the right side. I was watching their faces turn from friendly waving me in to expressions of abject horror. The incident certainly got my attention!! I hope it got her attention.
I turned on my left blinker and and checked my mirror; there were no cars in sight. Three PGR members were standing in the funeral home entrance way flagging me in. All at once they started waving frantically and shouting. I was in my turn. I heard brakes lock up and looked to my right to see a car skid sideways past me. I could literally have reached out and touched the car. If I had not been turning let, I would have been hit hard. She was doing at least 50 mph when she went by me in the slide. She let up on her brakes and got her car straightened out and zoomed on off.
The guys said when I started my slow down, there was no car in sight. They saw her come around the curve and estimated her speed at 60 + mph. She was texting and did not see me until the last split second. They said she missed my rear fender by less than 9 inches. One of them told me if I had had my saddle bags on, she would have hit the bag on the right side. I was watching their faces turn from friendly waving me in to expressions of abject horror. The incident certainly got my attention!! I hope it got her attention.