I replaced the chain and both sprockets on Mae Lyne's T100 today. Unless Dilligaf had replaced the chain and I don't think he did, we got 24,000 miles (38,624 kilometers) out of the chain. It was definitely due for replacing.
The job wasn't too hard except for the necessity to dismount the hack to get to the primary drive cover. I elected to stay with the 17 tooth primary because of pulling the hack. I think if we take a long road trip, I'll convert to an 18 tooth. The 17 tooth works well in the urban environment where we live now.
While I had the hack off and the rear wheel off, I replaced the rear brake pads, They were a little over half worn. When I replaced the front brake pads about a month ago, they were worn down to nothing - just before damaging the rotor.
The job wasn't too hard except for the necessity to dismount the hack to get to the primary drive cover. I elected to stay with the 17 tooth primary because of pulling the hack. I think if we take a long road trip, I'll convert to an 18 tooth. The 17 tooth works well in the urban environment where we live now.
While I had the hack off and the rear wheel off, I replaced the rear brake pads, They were a little over half worn. When I replaced the front brake pads about a month ago, they were worn down to nothing - just before damaging the rotor.