Cataract Surgery On My Left Eye Today

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I never believed my mother when she told me not to look at pictures of necked women because i would go blind, well i almost did, so today i had a cataract removed from my left eye. The Dr. did a very successful operation and its amazing how well i can see now. I am having my right eye operated on next Tues. I have had a catarack for about 4 years until today and can't believe the difference. I will never look at dirty pictures again!!!
Is that why I have some minor cataracts forming? :y26: Dang it, guess I'll have to give up the photos and head down to the local strip joints to look at the real thing instead. :y28:

Glad you had success with the surgery. TUP
Hope you have a successful recovery triumph dave and all the best with your right eye. I had the cataract in my right eye operated on last February. I had to have a general, so was out for over 2 hours, but I didn't have a patch on, just a clear cover. I was ordered, over 2 years before my surgery, by the medicos, not to drive at night or in adverse weather conditions. Good thing that I didn't tell them that I rode a motorcycle - they would have probably told the DVLA and I would have been banned. I am still amazed at how good my sight is now, and how bad that it had become - marvellous for a piece of plastic about the size of a grain of rice! A Theatre Nurse friend of ours says that the old tube TVs, mobile phones and microwave ovens are to blame, so you may be innocent, after all!
Unfortunately, my cataract was 1mm from the centre. On a happier note, my father, who will be 91 in 2016, had his left eye done last month and is set to have the right eye done in a couple of weeks. It took him many years to gird his loins to have them done (he has sat about a foot away from his 42ins flat screen TV, for the last 5 years) but, having mine operated on, gave him more confidence, and he is looking forward to his next operation. Advances in Technology and Medical Science are almost miraculous - one day, I am reliably informed, a cure will be found for that socially debilitating disease diagnosed as motorcycling (I hope that I am only joking, but.........}
That's settled then. We could all reduce our risk, I suppose, by only opening one eye, in such situations. OK, I hear the little voice at the back saying, "Hang on a minute, do you mean you or us, because you can leave me out of this thread." Nuff said! Ho, ho, ho.
Excellent news triumph david - hope that you will soon have a matching pair. The 6 weeks of eye drops will fly by. I assume, like me, you have 2 long distance lenses so that you wil only need reading glasses. Or have you, like a friend of ours, a long distance in 1 eye and a short, reading, 1 in the other? After over 60 years of wearing glasses, which she hated, but couldn't have contacts, she is finally spectacle free. Only sunglasses, now. Let us know your progress.

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